Truist Cash Reserve: Line of Credit | Truist (2025)

Disclosure 1 Refer to theTruist Cash Reserve Account Overview Guide, Bank Services Agreement and Truist Cash Reserve Agreement and Disclosures (Terms and Conditions) for detailed information regarding each feature, benefit and/or fees listed for this product.

Disclosure 2 Advances are subject to an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of18.00%in all states.

Disclosure 3 Advances

Minimum amount:$5

Maximum amount:Up to your approved Cash Reserve Credit Line Amount (not to exceed $750).

Advances must be in whole dollar amounts and must be initiated by you via online or mobile banking. The proceeds of each advance will be deposited to your Truist Associated Checking Account and will be available immediately. You may request multiple advances up to your approved Cash Reserve Credit Line Amount.

If your Truist Associated Checking Account has a negative available balance before the advance is credited to the account, the advance will first be used to bring the account balance positive. After the account balance has been made positive, the additional funds will be available for use.

Please note that the advance must bring your Truist Associated Checking Account balance to $25 or greater. Truist requires the account balance to be at least $25 after the advance, as disclosed in the Truist Cash Reserve Agreement and Disclosures (Terms and Conditions), in order for the transaction to be materially beneficial.

Advances are made immediately available to your Truist Associated Checking Account. Advances initiated prior to 12:00AM ET will be included in the client’s available balance when assessing overdraft fees (if applicable) during nightly processing.

All advances are repaid in four (4) monthly installments. Multiple advances can be requested at any time and would align to the monthly installment payment for the statement cycle in which the advance was requested. Your first three monthly installment payments will be in equal amounts; however, your fourth monthly installment payment amount may fluctuate and may be more than your previous payments, given multiple factors including, but not limited to: the date of your Advance, statement cycle dates, the number of days between payments received, and the outstanding principal balance, which applies to Automatic and Manual Payments.

When you enroll, you have the ability to choose between automatic or manual payments. If you wish to change your payment preference, you will need to contact Truist Care Center at 1-844-4TRUIST. Please note Truist Branch teammates do not have the ability to perform this request directly. However, the teammate can contact the Truist Care Center to initiate this request in your presence.

Payments are subject to availability of funds in the Truist Associated Checking Account.

Automatic Payment Option

  • Payments will be debited from your Truist Associated Checking Account on the morning the payment is due
  • If funds are not available in your Truist Associated Checking Account, the payment will automatically be reattempted in two calendar days
  • If the funds are not available on the 2ndattempt, you will be responsible for making a payment through the manual payment option before the next payment due date in order to keep your account in good standing

Manual Payment Option

  • Payments for this option can be made via online or mobile banking, using funds from your Truist Associated Checking Account only
  • These payments are immediately debited from your Truist Associated Checking Account at the time the payment is initiated and will reduce the available balance in the account
  • You can make a manual payment at any time, even if you are set up for automatic payments, with no penalty. Please note, if you are using automatic payments and make a manual payment less than the upcoming required payment, an automatic payment will still be performed to process the remaining payment.

Note: For all payment types, if the total past due payment is not received before the next due date, both the past due amount and the current payments will be due on the next payment due date. If you are setup for automatic payments, this amount will be automatically debited from your Truist Associated Checking Account.

4 Cash Reserve uses deposit “cash flow” underwriting and does not pull a credit report from a credit bureau.

5 Truist Cash Reserve is an option that may reduce declined transactions or overdrafts. However, failure to pay monthly installments within 45 days will result in the entire outstanding balance plus outstanding interest to be debited from your Truist Associated Checking Account. We will also debit the entire outstanding balance if the Truist Associated Checking Account is 35 or more days past due. This debit could potentially cause the Truist Associated Checking Account to have a negative balance. This process will also result in closure of your Cash Reserve Account.More details for this process are outlined in the “What else should I know” FAQ. Additional detail can also be found in the Truist Cash Reserve Account Agreement and Disclosures (Terms and Conditions).

6Truist Cash Reserve eligibility requirements:

  • You must have a Truist checking accountand
  • Your Truist checking account is not owned by or held by trusts, conservators, guardians, custodians and representative payees, as well as by businessesand
  • Your Truist Associated Checking Account must be opened for at least six (6) monthsand
  • You must be a United States citizen or permanent US resident and reside in the following states: AL, AR, DC, FL, GA, IN, KY, MD, MS, NC, NJ, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, and WVand
  • You must be 18 years or older (in all states mentioned above except Alabama); 19 years or older (in Alabama)and
  • Your Truist Associated Checking Account must have one or more Qualified Deposit(s) (any deposit greater than or equal to $100) credited in one (1) of the last two (2) statement cyclesand
  • Your Truist Associated Checking Account must not be in a continuously overdrawn position for fifteen (15) calendar days or more at time of enrollment.

Ongoing Eligibility Requirements:

All of the eligibility requirements as outlined above must be met on an ongoing basis in addition to the list below in order for you to remain eligible to initiate advances:

  • The amount of the advance you request is sufficient to bring the overdrawn Truist Associated Checking Account balance to at least a positive $25 balance
  • Your Truist Cash Reserve account is not currently in a Cool-Off Status due to non-payment. Cool-Off Status occurs when a payment is not received by the payment due date and you are unable to take additional advances.
  • Your Truist Associated Checking Account must not be in a continuously overdrawn position for fifteen (15) calendar days or more at the time of Cash Reserve enrollment or when requesting an advance
  • Your Truist Associated Checking Account is open and active and is not currently in a blocked, dormant, or closed status (for fraud, attempted fraud, garnishments and levies, or any other reason).
  • If your Cash Reserve account is not utilized, the Cash Reserve account will automatically be closed after six (6) months of inactivity and you will need to reenroll for a Cash Reserve Account

7 The maximum Credit Line Amount is the lesser of (1) $750 or (2) up to 50% of the total Qualified Deposits for the prior two (2) Truist Associated Checking Account statement cycles, rounded up to the nearest $50 increment. The Credit Line Amount may be less based on your Truist Associated Checking Account history with a $50 minimum Credit Line Amount. Qualified Deposit(s) means any type of deposit of at least $100 or more made to your Truist Associated Checking Account within one (1) of the prior two (2) statement cycles.

Truist will determine your Credit Line Amount automatically on the last business day of each statement cycle and the updated limit is effective on the following business day.

Truist Cash Reserve: Line of Credit | Truist (2025)


What is a cash reserve line of credit? ›

A U.S. Bank Reserve Line is an unsecured line of credit linked to a consumer checking account, which provides automatic overdraft protection. It's commonly used as funds for emergencies, overdraft protection and/or as an overdraft line that's separate from other lines of credit you may have.

What is the cash reserve limit for Truist? ›

As long as you maintain eligibility and have available credit, you can request an advance from $5 to as much as $750 into your Truist Associated Checking Account, up to your approved Cash Reserve Credit Line Amount.

What is the interest rate on a line of credit at Truist bank? ›

For a Personal Line of Credit, standard APRs could range from Prime + 5.19% (currently 13.69% APR) to Prime + 9.49% (currently 17.99% APR) and are based on your credit line amount and creditworthiness.

How does a cash reserve work? ›

Cash reserves are funds that companies set aside for use in emergency situations. The cash that is saved is used to cover costs or expenses that are unplanned or unexpected. In most cases, the reserves are specifically for short-term needs.

Can you withdraw from cash reserve? ›

There are no limits to the number of deposits or withdrawals you can make under the Program, but the maximum aggregate daily deposit limit for ACH transactions is $300,000. There is no maximum withdrawal amount.

How to use a reserve line of credit? ›

Whether you need to borrow now or sometime in the future, a Reserve Line of Credit gives you the funds you need, whenever you need them. You can write yourself a check any time you need cash, up to your available credit limit (Interest is charged only on your outstanding balance).

What is a good amount of cash reserve? ›

Most financial experts suggest you need a cash stash equal to six months of expenses: If you need $5,000 to survive every month, save $30,000.

What is Truist Ready Now credit line? ›

Truist Ready Now Credit Line

Like a safety net for your checking account. Activate a Truist Ready Now Credit Line to get automatic overdraft protection—and it's also there if you need cash for unforeseen expenses. Protect yourself from the higher cost of overdraft fees.

How much does Truist charge for cash advance? ›

Truist Enjoy Cash Credit Card Disclosure
Balance Transfer3% of each advance ($10.00 minimum)
Cash Advance4% of each advance or $10.00 minimum on transactions greater than $10
Foreign TransactionNone

What is the monthly payment on a $50,000 HELOC? ›

Assuming a borrower who has spent up to their HELOC credit limit, the monthly payment on a $50,000 HELOC at today's rates would be about $403 for an interest-only payment, or $472 for a principle-and-interest payment.

What credit score do you need for a Truist personal loan? ›

Do you qualify for a Truist personal loan? Truist Bank doesn't publicly disclose many of its personal loan requirements, but it accepts borrowers with excellent credit (720 credit score or higher). Here's what you need to apply: Personal and contact information, including a U.S.-based cell phone number.

What is the monthly payment on a 3000 personal loan? ›

The monthly payment on a $3,000 personal loan will depend on the loan term and the interest rate. For example, the monthly payment on a two-year $3,000 loan with an annual percentage rate (APR) of 12% would be $141.22. The monthly payment on a $3,000 loan with a six-year term and an APR of 12% would be $58.65.

What is a Truist cash reserve? ›

Truist Cash Reserve (“CASH RESERVE”) is a revolving line of credit designed for clients with a Truist consumer checking account, based on eligibility.

What are the disadvantages of cash reserves? ›

Potential Downsides—While cash reserves are beneficial, hoarding cash can lead to lower returns compared to other investments. Idle cash sitting in bank accounts earns minimal interest, which may not keep pace with inflation, reducing your purchasing power over time. Mismanagement can also be a risk.

Are cash reserves good? ›

A healthy cash reserve can serve multiple purposes. Beyond acting as a financial safety net, it can be used to fund unexpected growth opportunities, helping you avoid taking on new debt. The ideal reserve amount will vary based on a few unique factors, including your liquidity ratio and your cash flow needs.

What is the difference between a credit line and a cash advance credit line? ›

Your cash advance limit is the maximum amount of cash that can be withdrawn from your credit card account. With most credit cards, this will be considerably lower than the credit limit itself. Cash advances come with high fees and above-average interest rates, which is why you should try to avoid them.

Is it good to have cash reserves? ›

A cash reserve can be crucial if you already have debt because it can help you avoid borrowing additional money in case of an emergency. It can also be critical for retirees, providing a buffer against unanticipated expenses in retirement, especially health care costs.

How does reserve credit work? ›

Federal Reserve credit refers to the act of the Federal Reserve lending funds on a very short-term basis to member banks in order to meet their liquidity and reserve needs. By lending money to member banks, the Federal Reserve helps to maintain the steady flow of funds between consumers and banking institutions.

What is the difference between cash balance and cash reserve? ›

Net cash balance is positive, if money is available; or negative if the account has been overdrawn, whereas Cash reserves refers to a type of short-term, highly liquidatable investment that earns a low rate of return where individuals keep money that they want to have quick access to.

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