"1959-61WRWCScrapbook.pdf" · Virginia Room Digital Collection (2024)




ls Held at 7~
Dinner Meet

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Co J\J YE J\1-r Jo J\J

Federati on



14, 15, ID, 1959


Mrs. J. T. Taylor

New Officers
lnstalled At
Dinner Meet ·

Mrs. J . T. Taylor was installed as president of Williamson Road Woman's Clu'b
at the annual dinner m efil;l!!f;
last night at the~nJikltte
Other officers installed by
Mrs. James P. Barnes, Blue
Ridge District president, were ·
Mrs. C. I. Sigmon, Mrs. W. F .
Peters and Mrs. L. L. Sl1elto11,1
vice president; Mrs. C. M.
Painter, recording secr etary;
Mrs. W. M. Shearer Sr., corresponding secretary: Mrs.
George Huggins, treasurer;
Mrs. D. L. Buckingham, I)arliamentarian ; Mrs. J . G. Eller, historian and Mrs. N. B.
Jonas, chap\ain.
An honorary life membership· was confen-ed upon MJ·s.
M om Gllbert for outstanding
work m the club.


Mrs. J. T. Taylor was installed as president of Wil- .
Hamson Road Woman's Club
at the annual dinner meeting
Thursday evening at t he Can- •
dlellte Club.
Other officers installed by
Mrs. J ames P. Barnes, Blue
Ridge Dii1trict president, were ,
Mrs. c. I. Sigmon, Mrs. W. F.
Peters and Mrs. L . L . Shelton,
vice presidents ; Mrs. C. M.
Painter, recording secretary;
Mrs. W. M. Shearer Sr., corresponding secretary; Mrs.
George Huggins, treasurer;
Mrs. D. L. Buckingham, parliamentarian ~ Mrs. J . G. Eller,
historiarr and Mrs: N. B. Jonas, chaplain.
An honorary life membership was conferred upon Mrs.
Mont Gilbert fo r ·outstanding
work in the club.

The c l u b presented a
check to Mrs. Barnes for
the District project, Care
for Viet Nam. It was also
voted to contribute to t he
f und to send the William
F leming High School Band
to Washingt.on where it will
repr esent Virginia in the
Cherry Blossom Parade.

The club pre s en t e d a.
check to Mrs. Barnes for
the District prgject, Ca1·e
for Viet Nam. It was a lso
voted to contribute to the
fund to send the \l\1illiam
Fleming High Scho61 Band
to Washington where it will
represent Virginia in t he
Cherry Blossom Parade.

Mrs. Buckingham and Mrs.
Taylor gave delegate reports
on the Blue Ridge District
meeting in Blacksburg where
Mrs. Peters received first,
second and third awards in
the essay and short story
. ·
Club members and guests
w ere enterta,ined by Mrs.
Donald Orisp with humorous
readings and with dancing
by two students from Burlington School.


Mrs. Buckingham · and Mrs.
{ Taylor gave delegate reports
on the Blue Ridge District
meeting in Blacksburg where
Mrs. Peters received first, second and third awards in the
essay and short story contest.
Club members and guests
were entertained by Mrs. Donald Crisp with h u m o r o us
readings and with dancing by
two students from Burlington

Woman's Club Sets
Luncheon Meet
annual luncheon meeting of
the Bent Mountain Woman's
Club will be held Saturday nt
12 :30 at the Oasis Restaurant,
Roanoke. New officers will be






Wo'r / d






1y (]


II.'. ~

W 5


Virginia Federation

Woman 1 s Clubs

The l:.lice Kyle Banquet

The Cavalier

April 15, 1959



Hearts of v'""' e le ry

Ass orte d 0

ueafood C ocktail

Highlights fro!Yl othc r Administration
The past presidents

Sons omme Celest ine
Roast Prime Ribs of Beef Idaho L
Au jus
ong Branch p otatoes

.Sp e al<e r:
:Mrs. ;,;. Lee QJ<birn
First Vice-Pre•· G. F· w.


Buttered A sparacr us

T ossed

G reen ...ia
<"' 1ad_ Cheof's Dress.
Hot Rolls

Tortoni - A ssorted Cakes

The princ e ss }Wne f!igh scJ:>.oOI
A Capella Choir
c 1a. r J<e Grav es' Di r e c tor




. MRS~ J. T.

President ~AYLOR
Williamson Road

Mrs. J. T. Ta.ylor

New Officers
Installed At 71-l
Dinner Meet
Mrs. J T sta
. ed · 'r es1·ct enor wa
Iiamson Road W
attlieBiinual d oman's Clu
Thursday even inner meeting
dlelite Club. lng at the Can- I
M~thJer o!!icers installed by
. · District
ames p ..B a:rnes, Blue
Mrs. C. I s· president, were
Peters and ::on, Mrs. W. F.
vice presidents" L. 'L. Shelton,
Painter re
. Mrs. c. M
Mrs. w'. M c~~dlng secretary;
respondin~. s e.arer Sr., corG e or g e H ec1etary; Mrs
' Mrs. D L Bugg~s. treasurer: ·
· · uckingh
am, par-•
blstorian and Mrs. J. G. Eller~
nas, chaplain rs. N. B. J o~-honoraiv
was conf life
- memberM'iiil'f"Gillie erred u~on Mrs
work ln th;t cfU£~ oufaa.nding


The club
check to
r e s e n t e d a.
t he Distric/s. r B_arnes for
for Viet Na p OJect, Care
voted to
·U:· It was also
fund to s~nd rlbute t? .the
Fleming High 8the Wllham
to Washington chool Band
represent Vir w!J.eri: it will
Cherry Blossom
ginia. m the
Mrs. Bucki h
gave ng am and Mrs.
on the Blue d~tJate r~ports

meeting in Blacks~e District
Mrs. Pet.ers rece · dur.g where

ond and third ive first, secessay and sh awards in the
Club m ort story cpntest
were entert!~~~r~ and guests
ald Crisp with hy Mrs. Donreadings and . um o ro us
two students ;:1th dancing by
rom Burlington


Club Wo1ne1i
H cive Electto1i
Of Officers


Mrs. J. T. Taylor has been '
installed as president of the
Williamson Road Woman' s Club. t
M~mon. Mrs. ''
Everette F. Jones and Mrs. Roy
McFarland are vice presidents;
Mrs. C. M. Painter. secretary:
Mrs: J. Clay Hurd. correspond·
in!! secretary: Mrs. Samuel Jar·
rett. treasurer ; 'Mrs. D. L. Buck·
ingham . . parliamentarian: Mrs.
Jonas G. Eller. historian . and
Mrs. N. B. Jonas. chaplain.


An honorary mem ership
has eeu 1ven frs. Geor e
I- uggms for outstandin g work
in the club.

JVIrs. 'l.'aylor. Mrs. Sigmon.
Mrs. Buckingham and l\1rs
Jones will be delegates to the
VFWC conference here Mav 2-4.
Mrs. Odessa Bailey spoke on
"The Challenge Today."


Valley Junior President
·Real 'Feminine Dynamo'
Times Women's Writer

She's a feminine dynamothis Betty Price. A brief encounter with her would convince
you of the fact.
President of the Valley Junior
Woman's Club since her in~
stallation on March 26, Mrs.
Robert C. Price was chairman
for the Community Achievement Contest March l, 1956,
to March 1, 1958.
It was announced Thw·sday
that her club's backing of Camp
Easter seal as
its main project had placed
it as one of the
eight national
finalistll in the
contest. B ePersona lity ca.use of this,
the Valley
Juniors are assured of a
$1.000 prize, are eligible for
first prize of $5,000 and an
additional $5,000 sweepstake


Fellow club members say
"' Mrs. Price: "She drives
herself and ha.s the ability
to transfer her e n e r g y to
those who work with her."

The m o th er of two sons,

Mrs. Edmunds

To Head
County.Cf ub
The Roanoke Co.unly Woman's
Club elected ;;,nd installed !WY

officers fat 1960 at their meeting
Mrs. F. B. Thomas was the
i11stalling officer. New officers
include: Mrs. John F. Edmunds,
president; Mrs. R. W. Haskins,
first vice president; Mrs. C. S.
Trospeer, second vice president;
Mrs. Ben Black, third vice president : .Mrs. Herman L. Horn, se0relarv · Mrs. Paul A. Miller, assistant' secretary.
Also, Mrs. W. W. Hannah,
treasurer; Mrs. Henry Glascow ~ol'respondin it secretary ;
Mrs'. Homer L. Waid, chaplain; Mrs. R. R. frvin, hlsto.
rain: Mrs. W. W. Graves, Mrs.
R. E. Bolvtnan and Mrs. L. T.
Sin~lair, directors.

New members taken into
membership were Mrs. D. W.
Weeks, Mrs. D. D. McCarror.
and Mrs. W. K. Elmore.
During the business , sessi~u
the dub voted to sponsor ~ girl
to Girls State and a child to
Camp Easter Seal; chos_e two
representatives t_o the V1rgm1'l
Cowlcil on Social Welfare at
Hotel Roanoke April 27-30.
M s Edmund.;; was and Mrs.

Har~l~s were· elected de1.egale~

the Virginia Federat10n oI

\.~omen· s Clubs meetin~ at Hotel

Roanoke MaY 2-4. Alt~rn;ites
<>lected were M1·s. Irvin and
Mrs. A. B. Crawford ,
The education department r>resented them a lace tablecloth.

Girl Records
Song For
Fund Drive
A sweet voiC€ with a soft
Southern drawl is on Its way
again-this time for the Virginia Society for Crippled Children and Adults.
CINDY SAUL, t he 9-yearold Salem girl of "Happy Birthday, Jesus" fame, recently recorded "Sha bby." All proceeds
from the record about a dog
that finds a home will go to
the society.
C~rf ormed last nifuht
at a meeting of the Vijy
Jumor Warne.n 's Clu}l,_JY.Q.l!l- .
en'S 1clubs throughout Virginia
are st!:9Eg supporters of tne §Oci~ im.£[Ca mp Easter Seal.
"Shabby" will be available In
another week, said George
Donald McGraw, Cindy's agent
and author of her lyrics.
The record will be sold only
through the society and junior
women's clubs.
"This record should go over
well," said McGraw. "Her voice
) has the same appeal on this
one as 'Happy Birthday' had."
l\lcGRA W SAID he was approached and asked for a percentage from one of Cindy's
records. "We thought the cause
was so important that we made'
a record just for it," said McGraw.
Cindy has five records already recorded for commercial
purposes. Among them is her
first singing attempt, "It Must
Have Been the Easter Bunny."
She is the daughter of Mr.
·and Mrs. Henry Saul of Rt. 1,

Mrs. Robert C. Price

Paul, aged 4 years, and Blake,
13 months, she -is , a natural
organizer and has the ability
to accomplish with quick dispatch the trying chores often
placed before her.
For instance, she was serving as publicity chairman for
the Valley Juniors during the
time they were getting a. follies
show u n ct er way. Costumemaking was lagging, so Betty
pitched in and came up with
professional looking can-can
outfits. Being an expert seamstress, she . plans and makes
most of her wardrobe.



:Mrs. Price served two years
as vice president of the Valley Juniors a nd has worked
as co-chairman of pub~ ity
for the Miss Virginia Pageant
which the club has sponsored for the past four years.
Plans have already started
for sending another candidate to Atla.ntic City,


Betty's black hair, worn in:
upswept chignon effect, wide
blue eyes with thick, sooty
eyelashes a n d exceptionally
good clothes taste make for a
striking appearance.
Prior· to coming to Roanoke
in the summer of 1954, the
Prices lived in Richmond. Betty
had attended Pan American
Business College and worked as
private secretary t o a manufacturer. Bob, as Mr. Price ts
called, was a partner in the
Richmond Speech and Hearing
Center and Physical Services,
Inc. He now handles public
relations for the Virginia Society of Crippled Children and
BETTY IS A NATIVE of Williamsburg where her father,
Paul M. Griesenauer, still lives.
He1; father has retired from hls
- business as owner and manager of the Jamestowne Collony
Pottery of Williamsburg. The
family contributed lar gely to
the restorapion in the historic •
town. Their own plantation,
"Pine Dell," uncovered what
tuxned out to be the first glails
f urnace in America and other
authentic objects.
Betty, with Mrs. Harold W.
Garst. will leave Monday for
Richmond to attend the state
convention. She succeeds Mrs.
Garst as president of the local
Last minute arrangements
find the new club head adding
touches to a moss green sharkskin dress she's making for the
installation luncheon.

Club to Hear
Leigh B. Hanes Jr. and William
will speak tomor row
night to the Williamson Road
Woman's Club.
It will 'be the first joint appeara nce of Ha nes, Republican state
Senate candidate and Hopkins, his
Democratic opponent.
The meeting will be at 8 at the I
Williamson r oad branch of the ·
First National Exchange Bank.
Presiding will be Mrs. Hazel K.
Barger, a member of the Re·
publican National Com mittee. i:ihe
is chairman of the club's legisla·
tive department.
The second joint appearance of
the candidates will be at a dinner
of the Roanoke Business and Pro·
fessional Women's Club at Hotel
Roanoke next Tuesday at 6:15

B. Hopkins

Hopkins, Hanes
Diller Over
Attendance Law
<Continued From Page One)
localities, including s o m e in
Southside Virginia where feeling
over school integration is the
strongest, have enacted their own
school attendance laws.
r He declared th at local control is
the best at this t ime .
. BOTH C~ NDID ATES , in a.rgujng the wisdom of a statewide
school attendance law, ruled out
debate on other aspects of the
errow Commission program during their campaign.
But du.ring a short questionand-answer period both candidates
expressed reser vations over ~.h e
wisdom of tuition grants for parents whQ do not want to send
their children to public schools.
Hopkins said the tuition grants
"will bear watching" because ex- 1
perience may prove that this l
pba ~e of the Perrow Commission
program is " economically unsound."
• Criticism of the tuition grants
came first from Mrs. Hazel K.
Barger, the moderator, who declared they enable "parents to
send their children to private
schools on our tax dollars."

Campaign Opens for Citys Senate Seat

opkins, Hones Differ Ove~ Sc ool Law

Tbe two candidates in their first
Times Political Writer
campaign appearance together
1spoke at a meeting sponsor ed by
Ro~1okt> s. ty•o Slate. Senatelthe Williamson Road Woman's
candidates differ ed la t night over Club. IL drew 34 per ons, includwhether the 1960 GE!lleral Asse!11·11jng the candidates and newspaper
bly should reenact a statew1de and television reporters covering
compt.llsory sch o o 1 attendance tlie Hopkins-Hanes campaign .
I The compulsory school attend. Leigh B. _Hanss Jr:• Ute. R~P.U~· 1 ance issue was raised by Hanes
bean candidate, said Virg1rua s in his prepared speech.
industrial development efforts ai·e
b eing handicapped witli North
It came in listing six steps
C arolina advertising that it has which, he said, Vil'ginia can
take in strengthening its public
Willi.am B. Hopkins, ~emocrat, education sys~ and thereby
make ihe state more attractive
in ihe South's competition for
HOPKINS ARGUED that it new industry. One, he said, is
would b e unwise, at this time, to "advertise that we are solving
try to get a compulsory schooli our school problems."
attendance law through the legis-1
lature because of the r ow it would, Hanes contended the lack of a
statewide compulsory attendance
The cause of industrial develop- law can be construed as evidence
ment would be hurt, Hopkins Virginia is not doing aU it can to
said, because out-of-state indus- strengthen its public scl100! sys1rial leaders looking for new tern .
p lant sites now feel Virginia has (The special session of the Gensol ved its school integration prob- era! Assembly this year, in adoptlems.
dng the Perrow Commission proH opkins said he visited the De- gram. repealed the statewide compartmeat: of Conser vatfon ~nd pulso_rr attendance law but gave
Econorruc Derelopment m R1ch-, localities a11thority to pass local
;rnond Tuesday and learned that.school attendance laws of t heir
during the past few months it own I .
has received more inquiries about ! Hopkins pointed out that many
Jocating p lants in Virginia than
ever before.
l CConlinued on P age 4, Col. 3)

Mrs. Barger, a member ol the
Republican National Comm ittee, said she is sorroy that
Roanoke's two House mem·
hers-Del. - Julian H. Ruther·
foord Jr. and Del. Kossen Gregory-are unopposed for rc-elcc·
tion. They are Democrats.




(T irp es Pholo )

Leigh Hanes

Mrs. Hazel K.


Willi.am Hopkins

Candidates Flip Coin fo·r First Place on Program


"I'm trying to get somebody to
be a write-in candidate," ;\frs.
Barger added.
Hopkins in his prepared remarks said he does not contend
the Perrow Comtnission program
solves all of Virginia's school !
problems but it is "the best under
present cir c*mstances."
"I feel that primary considera·
tion on school legislation at the
next session should deal with in·
creasing the salaries and retirement benefits of our teachers- i
which' I favor and favo r whole·
heartedly," the Democratic candi- 1
date declared.
Hanes also declared the next
General A s s em b 1 y e should
. "strengthen the teacher's posi·
· tion." He advocated improving
the standard&-- of the ' profession ,
strengthening teachers' employment security, and "backing them
to the · hilt" on disciplinary prob·
HANES SAID Virginia should
advertise that it is solving ils edu·
cational problems because experi·
ence of other states has prov~n I
educational facilities attract m·
The Republican candidate said
h1s campaii;n will center aro~d
two ideas. One, the people of Vi rginia are its most important re·
source. Second, service to the peo·
pie, regardless t>f their politics or
station in life, is a state senator's
most important task.

The ~ilLiamson Road \yo~·
all's Qub \,•ill hold a club insh·
tute Thursday at 8 p.m. at the
First ational Exchange Bank
on Williamson road.
Board members will meet at
7 p.m.

1:00 p.m.-American Heme and Legislative Departments of Williamson Road Woman's Clllb. with Mrs. D. C. Buckingham, 2536 Chatham St. Mr . G. P. Bowman lo be
co-hostess, and Mrs. Hazel Barger, guest speaker.

Club. Pla11s
Program on
The Williamson .Road Worn·
an's Club will h:ive a Thanks·
giving program Thursday at· 8
p.m. in the Williamson Road
branch of the First National
Exchange Bank.
Each member is to participate
in a candle light ceremony on
"We Count Our Blessings" and
make a contribution to CARE.


1: 00 p.m.-Atnerican Home and l.,ejtiglature Department Of Wlllian;son !Wad Woman·~ dub, at White Hall Restaurant,
Williamson road. Christmas luncheon.

W mson. Road Club
Names Committee


The Williamson Road Worn·
an's Club met last night at the
Williamson Rd. branch of the
First National Exchange Bank.
Mrs. G. W. Quinn discussed
the furn ishings for the Preston
~ai;k Community. Center which
is the Cl ub proJect. A card
party was pla nned for March 11.
Named to the nominating
committee were Mrs. George
Huggins-, chairman ; Mrs. Paul
Baird and Mr . C. A. Bondurant.
Mrs. Henry Hall was welcomed
as a new member. •

Officers Na1ned
At Meeting
Mrs. J . C. Hurd and Mrs. W.
M. Parker have been 1 ele~ted
chairmen of the American
home-welfare department of the
Williamson Road Woman's Club . . ,
Others named to office are:
Mrs Leonard Bennett, secretary.; Mi•s. R. B. Leftwich, treasurer; Mrs. H. S. Jackson ways
and means; .Mrs. Roy D.
Creasy, hospitality, a nd Mrs.
C. B. McCoy, chaplain.
The group m'e t Monday mght
with Mrs. Hurd.



Mr. and Mrs. E . J . Woodrow,
who have returned from six
months in Costa Rica, showed
slides and souvenirs of their stay
t her e a t the Williamson Road
Woman's Club yesterday.
The family will leave sho rtly
to make their perma nent hoine
Meeting last night at P reston
P ark Community Center, the
club heard reports on the . state
federation meeting at Hotel Roanoke earlier ' this week from
Mrs. D. L. Buckingham, Mrs.
• W. F. Peters and Mr s. J. P .
Its next meeting will be a •
supper on June 2 at Preston

CluB to Give $100
For X-ray Machine
, The Williamson R o a d
Woman's Club voted yesterd ay to contribute $100 to a
n ew X-ray machin e for t he
Medical College of Virginia.
· Purchase of t he m a chine
fa an objective of the Virginia Federation of Women's
T he local group heard Miss
T erry White of the Burlington SchoQl speak on "Re luctant Teen- agers" arid welcomed Mrs. John J . Kealey a s
a new member.
It endorsed Dr. Pa ul Baird
as a possible membe1· of the
Gity school board.

Radford Dean
Spealrs at
Club Party
The WiJ!iamson Road Woman's Club had its .L:lu'i~tmas
fl~tty last night at Oak'!~·
tisl Chm· h.
--nr:-M'Ledge Moffatt, dean at
j ·Radford College. gave an epi. Jogue to Christmas by asking
questions concerning the holiday season. She discussed the
ways hands are kept busy preparing for Christmas.
She said that world peace depends on each human being.
Mrs. Frank C. Hoffman. program chairman, introduced Dr.
Moffatt and Mrs. James W. Lip- I'
pincott, .M'.rs. J. K.. Wilson and
Mi::;s Ruth Flannagan who sang
hd1iday songs.
Mrs. Paul Baird was in charge 1
of arrangements and a sh o r t
business session followed the
: 13rogram and covered dish SUP·
per at which members' husbands were guests.


-n~ c ~ '"' ~ ~ 'Y
J q ~-- 9.

Club Observes
VFWC Birthday
St . James Vicar
To Address Club ·
The Williamson Road Woma n's
Club. will meet Th ursday · at 8
p.m. at the Fil'st National E~ ­
change Bank. Guest speaker _will
be Thomas 0. Edmunds. vicar
of St. J ames Episcopal Church.
l\lrs. James T. Taylor. p1·es1denl, has asked that board ~i e_m ·
hers be pre enl fo r a meet ing
at 6:45.

The Williamson Rd. Woman's
Club celebrated the 70th anni·
versary of the Virginia Federation of Woman.'.s Clubs at a meeting last night at the First National Exchange Bank.
Mrs. J. T. Taylor.· Mrs. C. P. 1
Sigmon. Mrs. Roy McFarland 1
and Mrs. Everette F . Jones were •
named delegates to the district
meeting in Salem.
Miss Jeanette Larson spoke on
mental health. Plans were made
for the annual dinner April 7 nt
the Masonic Temple and for a
bridge party 4,pril 23 in the club
ro(lm of the First National Exchange Bank on Williamson
Mrs. George DeMott and Mrs.
J. G. Eller were hostesses.


Panel, Contests Set at District Meet
president of all Ro an o lee ture, poetry and drama entries. Headen, Mrs. J . W. Lewis and
County Home Demonstration
Mrs. James D. Via is general Mrs. Roger Hedgbeth. Hostesses
chairman of the meeting assisted will be Mrs. H. 0 . Metzler and,
ne s meeting Saturday at An·
Art judges will be Mrs. F'. by Mrs. Robert Hall. Mrs. Mrs. L ., C. Miller Jr.
drew Lewis High School in Sa· Howard Smith, Mrs. -William D. George Downing and Mi s DeMrs. John W. Dennis will be
Richardson and Miss Ruth Lav- lores Watson are in charge of in charge of music and ,Mrs.
The se sion will begin at 9 inder, all of Salem.
Robert Lorenz and Mrs .. James
a.m. with a coffee hour in the
l\Irs. Bertha C. Fisher and
Serving as pages will be Mrs. M. Young are chairmen of the
school cafeteria. Ho tesses for _c_a_rl_A_._C_ol=le:::y=w=il:-l ""'j_ud-:g::e::::;;:li:te=r=
: a:-:
· =T:::
. =A=·=C
_ it_te_e_.- - - - the coffee will be l\lrs. L. C. 1
-Ballard, Mrs. George W. Lind ey,
Mrs. Lois DeMasters and Mrs.
-Howard Olson.
At 10 a .m . the group will meet ;
in the auditorium. The 60-voice ?
Andrew Lewis choir, under the
direction of Harry Simmers, will jl
present a musical program. Miss 1l
Migoonn~ G r 'i g g s, immediate ii
past president of the Salem worn- 1 ~
an's club, will greet the group j\
and Chaplain Alvin Lee will give ~
the .dev?tionals.
Highlight of the morrung ses· \'
sion will be a panel discussion i
on "Mental Health as it Applies l
to Teachers, Students, Clubwom· l
en and the Community."
Andrew Lewis High
Participating will be Dr. ~
William J. Eichman, clinical ~
psychologist at the Veterans ~
Hospital; Dr. Herman L. Horn, ~
The Bhte Ridge District, Vir·
ginia Fed raUon of Women's
Clubs, will have its annual busi·


Blue Ridge District


Roanoke ~t
County Schools; the Rev. '.'~
James A. Rikard, professor at
Roanoke College; Mrs. H. T. :"i


Sibley> president of the Bram·


Saturday, March 26, 1960 -10 :00 A. M.


Mrs. James B. Barnes , President, Presiding


Junior club m~bers will have \1
a business meetmg at 9:45 a.m. 1~
and will join the seniors at 10:30. 1}'
Luncheon will be served in the <
school cafeteria at 12:30. Mrs. 1,.
A. M. Hitt, 320 Pennsylvani~ ·~
Ave., Salem, is in charge of 'j~
reservations assisted by l\1Irs. ;,
J. D. Wysor Jr. Tickets will be



District Spring Meeting


bleton Junior Woman's Ctul). 1ffi

Miss Griggs will be moderator.

School, Salem, Virginia



After lunch winners of sew· 1~
ing contests from district clubs 1" ·
will present a fashion show. One !?
will be selected to compete in l~
state judging at the state fed- ;·
eration meeting at Hotel Roa- ,,
noke in May.
Judges for the sewing contest 1 ~
will be Ann Howard of WDBJ- ,f,~
TV; Miss Rublnette Miller, Roa- ~
noke County Home Demonstra· ::
1 tion Agent and Mrs. Frances : ,
) Luca.do of a local depaibment 1p
l store.

A fine arts display will be set ''
up under the direction of Mrs. C
James E. Peters and Mrs. M. D. "
Williams. Exhibits will include t.<
weaving, ceramics, metal crafts, d
handwork, art, literature, poetry ~ ·r
and drama.
J'udging weaving, ceramics, M
metal crafts and handwork will ~
be M'.rs. R. R. Richards, past W


----~1 :-

Federation Song -----·----------- ------·------- Led by Mrs. John W. Dennis
Devotional --- ------·-------- -·- --·-- ------- - - - - - Dr. Alvin J. Lee
Cha plain, Veteran's Administration, Roanoke
Pledge of Allegiance --------- - --- - --- ________ Led by Mrs. F . G. Goodwill
Parliamentarian, Blue Ridge District
Club Woman's Collect ____ ·------------- Led by Mrs. Edgar A. Thurman
Vice President, Blue Ridge District
Welcome ------------------------ --------- Miss Mignonne Griggs
President, Salem Woman's Club
Introduction of Special Music --------- ------- Mrs. James Peters
Music ---- - ------------------- Andrew Lewis High School Choir
Director - Mr. Harry Simmers
Panel Discussion __ "Mental Health As It Applies To The Community"
Panel Members-Dr. Wm. J. Eichman
Prof. James A. Rikard
Dr. Herman L . Horn
Mrs. Harold T . Sibley
Moderator - Miss Mignonne Griggs
Minutes and Treasurers Report -- · Mrs. Herman Horn, Secy-Treas.
Report of Junior Director --- --·------------------------- Mrs. Curtis J. Kelly
Report of Vice-President -------------- Mrs. Edgar A. Thurman
Report of President ·-------------------- --------------·--- Mrs. J ames H. Barnes
Chairman of Nominating Committee ------------ Mrs. F. G. Goodwill
Report of U.F.W.C. Convention ----.. ---·-------· Mrs. Edgar A. Thurman
Report of G.W.F.C . Convention ---·--------- - Mrs. James H. Barnes
Outstanding Club P r ojects of Blue Ridge District
Reported by Senior and Junior Club Presidents
Announcements ______ Mrs. James D. Via, Chairman of Arrangements
LUNCHEON- 12:30 P. M.
Invocation -----------·----- -------------.. Mrs . W . R. Crafton, Jr., President
Salem Junior Woman's Club
Presentation of Guests and Officers --·------------ Mrs. J. H. Barnes
Presentation of Fine Art s Awards -------------·-------- District Chairman
Fine Arts -------------·----.. --..------------ Mrs. Cecil W. Doss
Specia l Flower An-angements --------------- Mrs. Henry M . Glasgow
Poetry and Literature ---·------·-·------------·---- Miss Myrtle Harrison
Report of Time and Place Committee _______ Miss Juanita Robertson
Report of Credentials ----------------------------- Mrs. George V. Downing
Report of Courtesy Committee --------........__________ Mrs. Buford Blair
Vogue Sewing Contest Fashion Show
Narrator -

Mrs. Cecil W. Doss

"neglect not tke Power :lkat !Jj Wukin :Jliee"
CII Timothy)


THE ROANOKE TIMES, Sunday, March 27, 1960,

s·alem Woman Heads

District Women's Clubs



(Times Photo)

Mrs. Hobard Napier Models Ensemble ...
. . . Which Won First in Sewing Contest

Times Women's Writer
Mrs. Edgar Thurman of the Salem Senior 1Woman's Club was .
elected president of the Blue Ridge District of the Virginia Federa· :
tion of Women's Clubs Saturday.
The annual meeting, held at Andrew Lewis High School m
Salem, was attended by 170 women.
Serving with Mrs. Thurman will - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
be Mrs. Herman Horn of Roa- Junior Woman's Club, won first .
noke County Woman's Club, first place; Mrs. Frank Bersch, secvice president; Mrs. Cecil W. ond;
Mrs. Thomas Russell; 1
Doss of Rocky Mount Woman's Blacksburg, Junior Woman's Club, i
Club, second vice president; Mrs. third.
Joseph S. Shorter of Radford First an'tl second places for a l
Junior Woman's Club, third vice child's garment went to Mrs. Rob· .
president and junior direcqir! ert Garland of Roanoke Junior
Mrs. J . F.· Boone of Blacksburg Woman's Club hnd Mrs. Frank
Woman's Club, secretary, and Gordon Jr., ~f Bedford Junior i
Mrs. Erby Board of Radford Woman's Club received third ·
Woman's Club, treasurer.
"Spring" by Mrs. C. S. Trosper ·
Mrs. Roger Hedgbeth of Salem of Roanoke County Woman's Club
Junior Woman's Club will act as was first place selection in Class
assistant junior director, and Mrs. A, serious poems. Mrs. W. G.
Bruce Stevens of Christiansburg Strickler of Salem Senior Worn.
Junior Woman's Club was named an's Club was second with "A
junior secretary-treasurer.
In the s·ewing contest competition, Mrs. Hobart Napier of
In Class B, light poems, Mrs.
Salem Senior Woman's Club re- Tr o s p e r's "A'nt Marthy's
ceived top- honors and the chance Cakes'! was first, and "My
for state recognition at the Vir- Windows," by Mrs. Frank
ginia Federation of Women's Wright of Salem Senior WomClubs conference in Roanoke dur- an's Club, placed first in serious
ing May.
poems. Second place winner
Mrs. Napier's winning design was "A Memory" by Mrs.
was a beige silk-linen ensemble Strickler.
with sheat~ dress ~opped by a Mrs. James H. Barnes of Mar- ;
costume Jacket with quarter· t.
·d t
. ·
length sleeves and portrait-shawl ~~svi e, outgom., presi e~ • pie- <
collar Her accessories were green smed at the concla_ve which be- ,
. ·
gan at 10 a.m. Durmg the morn·
an d be1ge, an she wore a pmk ing, district club women heard se·
apd green flower hat.
lections by the Andrew Lewis
Runner-up was Miss Barbara High School Choir, under the c1JZimmerman of M a r t insville· rection of Harry Simmers, and a
Henry county Woman's Club. pane discussion on " Mentai
H er entry• was 3 outfit which Health As It Applies To The Community."
Included full length white barkMiss Mignonne Griggs, ·immecloth coat, black sheath and d
matching accessories
. iate past president of Salem Jun.
1or Woman's Club, was moderaDuring the 12:30 p.m. luncheon, ~~r.i Pel:nel members Cl:n~ their
winners of fine arts awards were E"P cs mclud~d. Dr. Wilham . J .
anounced In art categories they "ichrnan, clin!cal psychologist,
The Commumty," Prof. James
Mr;. Merrill S. Reed, Blacks- A. Rika~~· Roanoke College pr~:
burg Junior Woman's Club, first ~ssor, The Colleg.I! Studen~.
place in metal crafts, copper r. Herman L. Horn, supermenameling; Mrs. Donald D. Niel- tendent ,?f Roan?,ke County
sen Roanoke Junior Woman's schools, Te~chers, ai;id Mrs. ;
Club, second place.
Harold T. S1bl.ey, pres1d~nt of 1
Mrs. D. L. Jordan Jr., Junior ~rambleton Jumor ;yoman s Club .
Woman's Club of Roanoke, novice The Club Woman.
division, tempra and water color,
first ~d second; Miss Bea Johns, In discussing · th~ basis. of good .
Senior Woman's Club of Blacks- mental h~alth, Miss Griggs told
burg, third.
her au~ie~c~ that th.~ well- 1.
In china painting classification, r ounded mdivid':l~I _needs a sens<? ·
Mrs. Lewis Turner, Salem Worn- 0 f humor, sens1tmty, a sense of
an's Club, first and third ; Miss ~om1:11on problems, a s~nse of ob · 1
Nancy Sloan, Rokeva Woman's ligatwn, a sens~ of ~atience, an?
Club, second.
~~~s~~nse to mmd his own bus1- 1
Mrs. Warren H. Davis. Rokeva
Woman's Club first place oil
paintings ; Mrs.' D. L. Jorda~ Jr.,
second. Mrs Blanche H Lindsay
Salem 'wom~n·s Club, third.
Weaving winners .were Mrs
R. B. Taylor, Rokeva Woman's
Club, first; Mrs. Paul Foster Jr.,
Christiansburg Junior Woman's
Club, second.
In ceramics, A Class, Mrs. Merrill S. Reed, first; Mrs. W. E.
Cronquist, Roanoke County Woman'.s Club, second; Mrs . W. J .
Sutherland, Rokev·a Woman's
~ Club, 'third.
Ceramics, Class B, Mrs. John
L. Apostoloµ, Junior Woman's
Club of Roanoke, first; Mrs. Maynard Dooley, Salem Senior Woman's Club second and third.
Ceramfos, Class 2, Mrs. C. 11.
Smith, Blacksburg Senior Womans Club, first; Miss Nell Carey,
Blacksburg Senior Woman's
Club, second; Mrs. R. L. Ben·
nett, Roanoke County Junior ·
Woman's Club, third.

"As adults," she s~d, ."wa ;
should take a frank and mtelhgent ·
look a.t . our comlI)unity, evaluate
rhat. It . does to the people who t
c:V~• 10 ·it, and what it needs to (
Th . Sal
e , em Senior and Jumor
W~~an s Clubs were hostess J
~ ps at the confer_e_n_
ce_._ _ --'-


I .


Ap.- · i


Elected hy

New Center
Mr.s. Robert C. Price has been
elected chairman of a senior
advisory council for the Williamson road community cehter now
under co~1struction . ·
She was named last night at
a meeting of Williamson road citi1zens and members of the Depart, ment of Parks and &ecreation.
Director Robert Hunter- of the
DPR toJd the gpoup he consider~
the center "a forerum1er" of oth·
er city centers. Willian1son road,
he said' is the first section to get
a building designed expressly for
recreational and civic needs.

April 24, 1960
2:30 P. Ni.
Roanoke, Virginia

· Ground for the $47,000 center
was broken this week in Pres·
to.11 Park. January is the target
completion date.

Mrs. Price has headed the cen·
ter's tempovary steering committee.
Other officers are:
Secretary, Mrs. Peter Cosby ;
treasurer,. Dextiir Mills; grounds
committee chairman, Mrs. Eliza.
beth Hetz; furnishings chairman,
Mrs. G. W. r Quinn; ways and
means committee chairman, Donald Dobbs; and, publicity chair·
.man, Ron McI;>onald.
Ground was broken for the new
$47,000 center earlier this week
and . construction is expected to
be completed by · January. The
center will be at Preston Park.
Donald Dob,Ps suggested that
the center be named in honor of
City Councilman Roy L. Webber
because said Dobbs, "I know of
no one who has given more time
or been more irlstrumental in getting the center.''
The group, however, voted to
postpone naming the center until
various organizations in the section have had time to make sug. /

• t i\. ......

· / ·




. . . "..-:-



~ LI

Band Concert ••••••••••••.••••••••.•. William Fleming Band
Mr. Otis Kitchen, Director
Invocation • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••• Rev. James W. Brown
Pastor, Huntington Court Methodist Church

• •••.••••••••••••••.••• Mrs. Ralph K. Bowles
Chairman, Dedication Ceremonies

Recognition of Special Guests •••••••••••••• Mrs. Robert C. Price

President of Senior Council
"Bless This House" ••••••••. • •••••• Mr. Herndon Myers, Soloist
Mrs. William J. Matze, Accompanist
The Honorable Vincents. Wheeler
Mayor, City of Roanoke, Virginia
Benediction • • ••

• ••••••••••••••• Rev. John A. St. Clair
P astor, Airlee Court Baptist Church

The public is cordially invited to tour the building
and refreshments will be served.

The Preston Park Community Center Senior Council
wishes to thank the following contributors:
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Seven-Up Bottling Company
Dr" Pepper Bottling Company
Garst Bros" _Dairy, Inc"
Jennings Esso Service Station
Hitching Post Motel
Virginia Foundry
Williamson Road Chapter No" 119, O" E" S"
Crowell's Nursery
Mr" Dexter Mills
Oakland School P" T" A"
Huff Lane P" T" A"
William Fleming P" T" A"
Diamond Chevrolet
Airlee Dry Cleaners
Plaza Motel
Red Bird Garage
Crouch's Pharmacy
A & P Store
Star City Realty Company
J. H" Fralin & Son
Lotz Funeral Home, Inc"
Roy L Webber Florist
Clover Creamery Co", Inc"
Williamson Road Lions Club
Williamson Road Kiwanis Club
Williamson Road Rotary Club
Williamson Road Recreation Club
Rosewood Garden Club
Roundhill Garden Club
Hillcrest Garden Club
Oakland Garden Club
Little Acorn Garden dub
Oakland Home Demonstration Club
Eureka Home Demonstration Club
Little Tree Nursery
Hedge La wn Nursery
Admiral Ca rlton H" Wright
Bowles Bake Shop
C aldwell-Sites Company
Michael's Bakery
Bethany Christian Church
Colonial Stores, Inc "
Kroger Stores , Inc"
Mick-or-Mack Stores Co" , Inc"

Contributors Cont'd
Williamson Road Woman's Club
Valley Junior Woman's Club
Roanoke Chamber of Commerc.e
Mason Litteral, Inc"
Arnold Transfer Company
Mr. Rhudy Weddle
Dr" J" E. Anderson
Dr" John G. McCown
Dr. Olin R" Melchionna
Dr. Herman W" Brubaker
Dr" Max E" Bertholf
Dr" Samuel F" Driver
Dr" Frank M" Johnson
Dr" Chris G" Scordas
Dr" Daniel R" Miller
Dr" E" D" Adams
Dr" Allen R. Hetz
R" M. Saunders Dental Laboratory


For Publicity:
"The Roanoke Times,"
"The Roanoke World- N e ws"
Radio Stations WDB J' WSLS,
p reston p

" • " Mrs. Blanche Williams
ar Community Center Lea er " " ""

The Senior
· Council purchased the


II owing:

Furnitur .
D ·
e. Grand Piano Company, nc"
rapes· S

ears, Roebuck & Company
S tove· Aator: Mason Litteral, Inc.
Ch. ·
lna and s·1
1 Ver: Peoples Drug Store
oral A .
Ar h .
rrangements: Roy L" Webber
b Sheretz
ltect: Eubank Caldwell & Associates, Bo
C 0 cntract
Compa ny
or: J" M" Underwood Construcuon

Officers of Senior C_o unci/
of Preston Park Community Center

President. • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mrs. Robert C . Price
Secretary •. , . , • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mrs. c. M. Painter
Treasurer ., , .. • •..• • •.•••••• •••• •• • •••• • H. p , Bailey, Jr.
Ways & Means • • . • • • • • •
c. s. Martin, Lee Thompson,
Mrs. Ray Hughes, Donald Dobbs
Furnishings • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mrs. G. W. Quinn
Member of Williamson Road Woman's Club
Corner Stone and Dedication ••• • ••••••• • •• Mrs. Ralph K. Bowles
Publicity • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••. Ronald MacDonald

Landscaping •••• • • •• , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

•••••• •



Participating Organizations
Hillcrest Garden Club
Little Acom Garden Club
Oa kland Garden Club
Roundhill Garden Club
Dorchester Garden dub
Willi a ms on Roa d Rota ry dub
Williamson Ro a d Lions Club
Willia ms on Road Ki wani s Club
Will iams on Ro a d Woman' s Club
Brambleton Junior Woman's Club
Huff L ane P. T. A.
Pre ston Park P . T. A.
Oakland P. T. A.
Chamber of Commerce, Recrea tion Di vision
WDBJ-TV a nd Radio
WSLS-TV a nd R a dio
Huntin gton Court Methodist Church
Va lley J unior Woman's dub
Williamson Road Recre a tion Club
Virginia Society for Crippled Children & Adults

arry etz



CM~ r/Jwifed W alkJu/













1 (o o

The world about us is changing rapidly and some exciting things are
happening in the fi.eld of banking to meet these new developments. Considering this changing situation, it is important that we also look ahead to factors
which can offer us security in years to come. Our speakers will touch on these
and other interesting fi.nancial matters as they discuss with us:



10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
"New Trends in Banking"

w. N.


Vice President
The Erst National Exchange Bank
Elm: "Leaming About Money"
"The Fringe on Top . . . Profit-Sharing"
B. co*ckE, JR.
Vice President and Tmst Officer
The First National Exchange Bank



12:30 p.m.


1:30 p.m.

"Investments as Part of a Balanced Family Financial Plan"
Senior Partner, J. C. Wheat & Co.
REGISTRATION: Please return the enclosed registration card IMMEDIATELY. You may register for a friend if you so desire. There will be a
charge of $1.25 for the luncheon tickets, which will be available at the
Registration Desk.
District President

.I I -


1 (a o


F 0 R U M


JI -

1 9&, .o .


Presented by

Mus. T. A. CARTER, Jn.





11, 1960


10:30 a. m. . .•......... . ........ .. ... ......... Ballroom

Mus. Cun.Tis J. KELLEY
District Junior Vice President

Senior Vice President and Trust Officer
First National Exchange Bank

Mu. W. N.

Vice President
First National Exchange Bank


Mn. Join.- B. Cocir:m, Ju.
Vice President and Tntst Officer
First National Exchange Bank

[Question and Answer Period]






12::10 p . m . .. . ... .. . . · · · · · · · · · ·

..... . ..... . Ballroom

~,rns. JAMES H . B AnNEs
District Pres ident


:'. f ns. E n cAn. Tnum.rAN

District Vice President



:;\ rn. IlYHON A. I h eres
8enior Vice P resident
F irst


' ational Exchange Bank




" Investm ent::; as Part of a Balanced Fam ily Financial P lan"



Senio1· Partne1·

J. C. Wheat & Co1npany
Richmond, Virginia





------ -------- ~--- ------ ______ _____ _

----- . .,. --~-- - -.- -








.' J






__.._ .... ___ __.....

~ -- · - -





of the




W @mm<efills>~


May 2, 3 and 4, 1960

Hotel Roanoke
Roanoke, Virginia

President ........................................................................................ Miss Anne Dobie Peebles
First Vice-President ............................................................................ Mrs. J, York Welborn
Second Vice-President
Mrs. Giles C. Engledove

................................................................................ Mrs. A. T. Hove, Jr.
································································································ Mrs. J. Francis West
............................................................................................ Mrs. Raymond E . Freed

Keep us, Oh God, from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word, in deed.
Let us be done with faultfinding and leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense and mee1; each other face to face-without se1f-pity
and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous.

Third Vice-President

Let us take time for all things; make us to grow calm, serene, gentle.

Secr etary

Teach us to put into ac tion our better impulses straightforward, and unafraid.

Treasur er

Mrs. J ames R. Kyle, Lynchburg ........................................................................... . 1907-1909
*Mr s. A. B. Carr ington, Danville
·············································································· 1909-1910
*Mrs. W. W. King, Staunton
*Mrs. M. lVI. Caldwell, Roanok~ .............................................................................. .. 1910-1912
*Miss Helen Norris Cummings, ~~~:~~~~~~...........................................................
') Mrs. John L. Hagan, Danville
....................................................... .
*Mrs. Henry E. Parker, Newpor~··~~~~~ ................................................................ ..
································································ 1919-1921
*Mrs. Henry Lockwood, Clarendon
')Mrs. J. Allison Hodges, Richmond ········································································
........................................................................ 1923-1925
'' Mrs. Henry S. Eley, Suffolk
Mrs. W. F. Morehead, Salem ··················································································
'-'Mrs. Henr y S. Eley, Suffolk ················································································
Mr s. J. L. Blair Buck, Riehm~~~ .......................................................................... ..
.......................................................................... 1930-1932
"' Mrs, L. J , Giles, Clifton Forge
Mrs, Fred M. Alexander , Rich~~~~...................................................................... .
Miss V. Lucille Bland, West Point ................................................................... .
Mrs. R. G. Boatwright , Coeburn ....................................................................... .
Mrs. 0 . F . Northington, J r Fre~~ "."•k···b··· · · · ·· · ····· · ········ · ··· ·· .. ··· .. ····· ......................
nc s urg .................................................. .. 1944-1947
')Mrs. Claud E. Eley, Suffolk·•
Mrs. Roy E. Kyle, Bedford ................................................................................. . 1947-1948
Mrs. A. Paul Hartz, Waver!; .................................................................................. 1948-1950
Mrs. H. Stanley Bailey, Roano~~ ............................................................................
Mrs. R. Richard Schweitzer, Norf~~~.................................................................... .
Mrs. William S. Murray, Hollins


Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences, that in
the big things of life we arc at one.
And may we strive to touch and to know the g reat common human heart of us all,
and, Oh, Lord God, let us forget not to Le kind.
~Mary Stewart

The Convention shall be one session, recessing from meeting to me.eting 'vithin
the session.
Admission to all sessions will be by badge only. At evening sessions a badge will
serve as admission for a member and her male guest.
No Delegate shall i·epresent more th:a n one organization nor be entitled to more
than one vote.
No proxy shall be allowed.
When addressing the Chair, a delegat e or a visitor shall first give her name and
that of her club,
All motions must be written, si gned and sent t o the Recording Secretary immediately upon presentation.
All resolutions shall be referred to the Committee on Resolu:tions and may not
be presented to the Convention or debated until reported to the assembly by the
Committee on Resolutions.
Debate shall be limited to two minutes; time shall be extended only by unanimous
vote of the House.
Members will not be allowed to enter the Convent ion Hall while a speaker is
addres sing the Convent ion or during the time a vote i1!1 being counted. Doors will be
opened befo1·e and after each address and before and after debate.
An information desk is maintained for the convenience of delegates and visitor'S
and lost and found items will be handled there.
Sessions will begin promptly at the time announced.
Members ar e request ed t o be in t he hall a t the appoint ed hour and t o r emain
t hrotlgh sessions.
Club presidents or delegates ar e asked t o t ake home paintings, cont est entries
and other exhibits.
All hot els request that you observe the 2:30 P. M. check-out hour.

I Pledge allegiance t o the f la 0
e ubliC
for which it t d
g f the United States of America a nd t o t he R P
s an s, one nation u d
. f or a 11 ·
' n er God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice


Welcome ........................................ The Honorable Vincent Wheeler, Mayor of Roanoke

Pre-Convention Program

Mrs. Jam es H. Barnes, President, Blue Ridge District
M:rs. Edgar Thurman, VFWC Convention Chairman

Administration Theme:

Credentials Report ............................

"Neglect Not the Power that is Within Thee."-! Timothy 4: 14


Joel W. Flood, VFWC Credentials Chairman

Having gifts that differ according to the grace given us, let us use them.

-Romans lQ: 6

Sunday, May 1, 1960
2:00 P. M.

Budget and Finance Committee

President's Suite

3:00 P. M.

Executive Committee

President's Suite

5:45 P. M.

Dinner for Execut ive Committee

Secretary .............................................................................. Mrs. J. Francis West

Hostess: Roanoke Woman's Club

Third Vice-President ............................................................ Mrs. A. T. Hove, Jr.

8:00 P. M.

Executive Committee

10:00 P. M. Reception

Hostess :



Treasurer ........................................................................ Mrs. Raymond E. Freed

t' s Suite

Second Vice-President .................................................. Mrs. Giles C. Engledove

for Executive Committee

First Vice-President .................. ...................................... Mrs. J. York Welborn
Report of Budget and Finance Committee ................ Mrs. Homer S. Saunders, Chairman

Williamson Road Woman's Club

Report of District Presidents:

Monday, May 2, 1960
8:00 A. M.

Report of Officers:

Tidewater District ................................................................ Mrs. Harold D. Cole

Breakfast for E

xecutive Committee
Hostess : Rokeva and S I
a em Women'~ Clubs
11 :30 A. M.
Luncheon for Exe t'
cu ive Committee, Chairmen Departments,
and Standing Committees
Hostess: Senior CI b
u 5

Southwestern District ........................................................ Mrs. J. Dean Creger
Southside District ...................................................................... Mrs. T. E. Reese
Shenandoah District ............................................................ Mrs. J. P. McClung
Northern District ...................................... .......................... Mrs. J . H. White, Jr.


Alice Kyle District
Lee District ........................................ ................................ Mrs . Thomas M. Emory

Board of Directors

Blue Ridge District ............................................................ Mrs. James H . Barnes

Hotel Roanok B
e allroom, Monday Afternoon

Alice Kyle District ........................................................ Mrs. Harold T . Cothran
Recommendations from Executive Committee

May 2, 1960, 2:15 P. M.


Presentation of Community Achievement Awards ................ Mr. J. P . Carolan, Manager

e only gift is a 1Wt of th

Presiding: Miss A

rgan Prelude

Sears Roebnck and Co., Roanoke

Yself.-Raiph W
aldo Emerson
nne D0 b'
le Peebles, President

Report on Virginia Clubwoman .......... .................. Mrs. George Munford, Associate Editor

(O~·~~~ ..~~~~:~~~ .............................................................. .

Call to Order

Dr. R. Blackwell Smith, President

Y, Buffrnan Organ Shoppe )

Medical College of Virginia

:~::c:tion ................................................ Mrs
g of Allegiance _ led b

National Anthem

Project "Maxitron" ................................ Mrs. Alvah E. Riggins, VFWC Health Chairman

Y ....


d Vice-Presideflt
1 es C. Engledove, Secon


························,............................ M rs. Willialll $.. pJf;:;.l•


GFWC Chairman pubhc
............................. .................................... Mrs. Elbel-t




MEMORIAL VESPERS - Hotel Roanoke Ballroom ........................

RECEPTION - Shenandoah Room, 10:00 P. M.

5:15 P. :M.

Death is not extinguishing the light; it is putting out the lamp because the dawn
has come.-Anon


Mrs. Leo Curtis, GFWC Director of Juniors, Past Presidents and
Distinguished Guests

Dr. John Wynn Myers, Minifiter, Greene Memorial Methodist Church, Roanoke
But when the great and good depart , What 1s
· 1't more t h an t h 1sr
· ~
That man who is from God sent forth, Doth yet again to God return.
Such ebb and flow must ever be,· th
ere w erefore should we mourn?

(Courtesy: Hotel Roanoke)
Vogue Sewing Contest Winners will model throughout the reception.

TUESDAY MORNING May 3, 1960, 7:45 A. M.

-William Wordsworth

The Convention

By the work, one knows the workman.-Jean de la Fontaine

Convention Theme:
For in Today already walks Tom

Junior Projects Breakfast .......................................................................... Shenandoah Room

amuel Taylor Coleridge

Mrs. A. T. Hove, Jr., presiding

THE ALICE KYLE BANQUET May 2, 1960, 7:00 P. M. Ballroom

Community Achievement Breakfast ............................................................................ Ballroom

Presiding: Mi-; ~ Anne Doi. p bl
ne ee es, President

Piety towards God is meaningle



Mrs. John C. Tate, VFWC Community Achievement Chairman, presiding

ss u ess 1t encourages compassion toward one s
iellowman.-Rabbi J a cob Wienstien

Gprace ................... ................................. ·
rescntati<.'n of Gue.>ts

Presentation of Presidents of n
ew13 organized club~
Presentation of Extension Awards
.. Ml s. Giles C. EnaJedove 2nd Vice-President VF
eace is the power that comes t
o souls a rnvmg
· ·
up to light where Go d H'mse
Musical Program .......... ........
J esu, Joy of Ma~ ..~·~·~~·~·~·~· ThE: Glee Club of Virginia Polytechnic Ins ~acll
Black is the Color of
g ............................................................................ ..
Cool Water
my True Love's Ha:ir ........ .. .. Appalachian Folk s~ng'
One More

R;~·~;··: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::···~~~~~·~:~~~;·· ~;;~~~~:~~;·~-~··~~~~:~

Piano Solo
Ride in the Chariot
........................ Robert Pierce, pianist
. jtual
Moonlight and VPI ........................................................................ Negro Sp1r ·rig
F d war1
................. ..................... ............................. re . soni?:
The G1:~·~·~ .. ~~·Y·........... ......................... ........................... Southern Mountain
Presentation of Speaker


TUESDAY MORNING May 3, 1960, 9:30 A. M.

Mrs. Roy E. Kyle, Past President, VFWC



"THE WORLD REFUG~~ ................ Mrs. J. York Welborn, 1st Vice-President, V
Laurance paw-so
ief of Policy and p
............................ Mr.
. r3tioJ11
U. S. Department of Srogram Planning; Office of Refugees and l\1ig

!'residing: Miss Anne Dcbie P eebles, President
Mrs. J. York Welborn, 1st Vice-President
Mrs. Giles C. En11:ledove, 2nd Vice-President
Mrs. A. T. Hove, Jr., 3rd Vice-President
Now understand we well: out of every fruition of success, no matter what,
comes forth something to ma_ke new effort necessary.-Walt Whitman

Organ Prelude ................ ...............,_ ......................................................... Mrs. William J. Matze
Call to Order
Devotienal ................ The Reverend Harry Y. Gamble, Cavalry Baptist Church, Roanoke
Report of Credentials Committee ........................................ Mrs. Joel W. Flood, Chairman
Presentation of Convention Program .................. .................. Mrs. Edgar Thurman, VFWC
Convention Chairman
Rules Governing the Convention ............ Mrs. Roy D. Whitlock, VFWC Parliamentadan
Presentation of State Officers and Guests
Report of President, Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs
Report of Nominating Committee ................................ Mrs. Alvah E. Riggins, Chairman
H.eport of Revisions Committee ............................................ Mrs. Michele Fiore, Chairman



Presentation of Speaker

............ rs. Luke B. Russell, VFWC Mental Health Chairman
........................................ EJgar Phillips, M. D.,
Executive Director Amel'ican Child Guida nce Foundation
Presented throug·h the ,.
.,enerosity of the Nemours Foundation
Hiram Davis, M D v· . · ·
. .
........... .
· ., u gmia Comm1!;S!Oncr of Mental Hy.,.iene ::.nd Hospitals
Presentation of Speaker ................ M.15 Al
· "'

bert R. Lower, VFWC Leo-islative Chairman
.................. .. Mr. M. Carl Andrews

Musical Program ................................ Southampton Woman's Club Chorale of Richmond
Mrs. J. Scott Osborne, Jr., Director
The First Prin1rose .......................................................................... Edvard Grieg
Last Night the Nightingale Woke Me .................................... Halfdan Kjerulf
Red Rosey Bush ............................................................ Appalachian Folk Song


Sourwood Mountain ...................................... Kentucky Mountain Fiddle Tune
High-Ho! For a Husband .................................................... Old English Medley
Mother Goose Medley .......................................................................... W. B. Olds
Serenade .................................................................................... Sigmund Romberg

Editor, The Roanoke World News

Presentation of Speaker .... Mrs. 0. E. Zacharias, Jr., VFWC Public Affairs, Chafrman
"TWO WEEKS IN A CIVIL DEFENSE SHELTER" ................ Mrs. Thomas A. Powner

LUNCHEONS, TUESDAY, May 3, 1960, 12:30 P. M.

Presentation of Sveaker ................ Mrs. Howard K. Marks, VFWC International Affairs
"A VIRGINIA NEWSMAN LOOKS AT CUBA" ................ Senator Harry F. Byrd, Jr.,

Every man's work is a portrait of h .
imself.-Samuel Butler

Amencan Home Luncheon

............................................................................................ Ballroon1
Mrs. Lloyd G. Bair VFWc
American Home Chairman, presiding
Speaker: ........ Mrs. Isabell
a J. Jone;:;, Assistant Director 1960 White House

Editor, Winchester Evening Star
Presentat·1 on o:r-

Public Instruction in Virginia

Conference on Children and Youth
..................... ..............
Mrs. -William L S . . "·····~······ .. ·· .. ······.. ················· .. ······
· tanton, VF WC Fine Arts Chairman, presiding
Speaker: Mr. Robert Teifo"d n·
· ' irector Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Theatre
Gardens and Conservation Lun h
c eon
Mrs. William VanDoren, VFW~ ................................................ ...... Shenandoah Room
Fine Arts Luncheon


(Courtesy: Heironimus of Roanoke)

Tuesday Evening, May 3, 1960, 8:30 P. M.

Gardens and Conservation Chairman, presiding

Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what

U. S. Forest Service

lies grandly at hand.--Carlyle


Presiding: Miss Anne Dobie Peebles, President

ON, May 3, 1960, 2:15 P. M.

Mrs. A. T. Hove, Director of Juniors

All that is necessary for the

Processional that good men do nothing.

-Edmund Burke
Presiding: J.Vfo;; Anne Unb;
- .e Peebles, President
Mrs. J. York Wc!bo.
in, 1st Vice-President
rs. Giles C. En ·le
g dove, 2nd Vice-President
rs. A. T. Bove
' Jr., 3rd Vice-President
Organ Prelude
........................................................................................ Mrs. William J · N.[atze
Call to Order


Ballroom Hotel Roanoke, 4:15 P. M·


earn ow ' .................... A ssistant Regional Forres tel' '

Triumph of Evil i's

. C. K·1
................ M rs. Ed
• wm
1 gore, VFWC Ed uca t'10n Ch airman

"QUALITATIVE EDUCATION" ........................ Dr. Davis Y. Paschall, Superintendent


Speaker: Mr. Theodore F

s peaker

Distinguished Guests



Officers, Senior and Junior Club Presidents, Past VFWC Presidents and

OJ:gan Prelude ............................................................................................ Mrs. Robert Abshire

Call to Order
Invocation ................................................................................................ Mrs. Harold W. Garst
Soloist ............................................................................... . Mrs. William E. Matze
Accompanist ........................................................................ Mrs. Robert C. Price
Presentation of Colors ........................................................ U. S. Marine Corps Color Guard
Presentati·on of Musi·c

···············......................................................... Mrs.

E. G. Middleton, Jr.

"The Undertones"
Lil Liza Jane


Kentucky Babe

My Funny Valentine

Halls of Ivy

Basin Street

Peter Piper


Report of Resolutions Comm1'ttee .................................... Mrs. H . Stanley Balley,
· F. W. C. Resolutions
Electi on of Officers

Blue Moon
I Got Plenty of Nothin'

1'he G
· F. W. C. Convention ................................................................ Mrs. J. York Welborn
ur Student Loan Fund ................................ 1\1 is.
· F ran·k McComas, Mary Maeon McGu1re

................................ Miss Shiryl Farrar E
' xecu 1ve Director


Hollins College

Loan Fund Chairman
A CARE Progress Report ................................ Mrs. Ruth Hamilton, Executive Director,

Pilot Guide Foundation

CLUB~~~~~·~ ...................


Robert C. Price, Acting Executive D'irector
.. .......... Mrs. Leo F. Curtis GFWC J ·
un10r Director

1'he Ca

Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center
0 Ur D
Orothea Buck Latin American Fellow .................... Miss Eleanora Marina Enriquez,

WEDNESDAY MORNING, May 4, 1960 7:45 A. M .

University of Virginia and Chile

God does not want us to do ext
raordmary things: H
eztraordmarily weJJ.-Bishop Gore
e wants us to do ordinary thing9


Club Institute Breakfast
Presiding: ~~~: ..~~~.·~·~···~: .. ~~.-~~~····- ...................................................... Ballroom
' VFWC Club Institute Ch ..
Mrs R D

. oy · Whitlock VFWC p . 1.
Safety Breakfast
ar iamentarian


Presiding: Mr

DISTRICT LUNCHEONS, May 4, 1960, 12:30 P. M.
(Location of Luncheons to be announced from Platform)

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, May 4, 1960, 2:30 P. M.

Shenandoah Room

s. ames F. Boone VFWC S

The actions of men are the best interpreters ol their thouAhts.-John Locke

afety Chairman
................................................ Mr. Patrick DeHart, Assistant Director

Pres iriing- : Miss Anne Dobie Peebles, President

Agriculture E t
Speaker ....................
x ens10n Service, V. P. I.
Polls will be open for voting fro ..... ~ ..................... Miss Anne Howard, Station WBDJ TV
m A. M. URtil 11 :30 A M
· ·on Wednesday, May 4, 1960

The charities that soothe and
like Jlowers.- John Whistler

heal and blri BS,

Mrs. J. York Welborn, 1st Vice-President
Mrs. Giles C. Engledove, 2nd Vice-President
Mrs. A. T. Hove, Jr., 3rd Vice-President

~i·gan Prelude ................................................................................................ Mrs. Wm. J.


aU to Order

4, 1960, 9:30 A. M.

l\fusica1 Program ................................ Miss Jeanne Anne Fowler, Hollins College Senior

lie scattered at the feet of men

Thelma Chock Diercks, Accompanist

Call to order
Musical Devotional

................................................ Roanoke
Mrs. Edward Abb
e, Director
rayer of Thanksgivin

Danza, danza fanciulla gentile ................................................................ Durante



Lam en to .......................................................................................................... Dupare

ounty Woman's Club Chorus

1'he Voice of my Beloved ................................................ Elizabeth Anne Grant

g ........

A Mighty Fortress Is 0


Washington CARE Office
Use of Sp ecial Education .......................................................... .. Mr. William .Cashatt

............................................ Netherland Folk Song
ur God
God Be I n MY H ead ..
······················ ............................................ Luther
........................... .
...................................................... A Chant


Un bel di (Madame Butterfly) ................................................................ Puccini

nes 8

sentation of Speaker .................................................................... Mrs. William C. Decker,


VFWC Communications Chairman

llE: l\<!Ji:NACE OF p*rnOGRAPHY" ............................................ Mr. L. Rohe Walter

. l A . t nt to the Postmaster General of the United States
ss1s a
S pecrn


Presentation of Speaker .................... Mrs. Charles Klotz, VFWC Poetry, Literature and


Drama Chairman

A Glowing Past Inspires a Shining Future.

"NOT SO UGLY AMERICANS" ............................ Captain Allan R. Bosworth, U. S. N.

SUNDAY, May 1, 1960

Chief of Information Services, SACLANT Hdqtrs.
Presentation of Speaker ............ Mrs. Harvey W. Carson, Jr., VFWC '\Velfare Chairman
"JUVENILES WITH PROBLEMS" ........................................ Judge Elizabeth Hallanan
The Juvenile Court of Kanawha County, W. Va.

5 :oo P. M. - Junior Executive Committee Meeting - Junior Director's Suite
G:Oo P. M. - Junior Executive Committee Dinner ................................ Shenandoah Club
Hostess: Blue Ridge District Juniors

lO:oo P. M. State and Junior Executive Committee Reception ················ Ho.tel Roanoke


Hoste£s: Williamson Road Woman's Club

4 :15 P . M..................................... RECEPTION honoring Newly Elected Officers of VFWC

MONDAY, May 2, 1960

Miller and Rhoads Tea Room

7 :45 A. M
· ·-

(Courtesy: Miller and Rhoads)
5:45 - 6:45


B kf t
d Meeting ........ Hotel Roanoke
Junior Executive Committee rea as an

Hostess: Blue Ridge District Juniors



The Shenandoah Room

Organization is the sign of Intelligence; Intelligence of Inlluence;

WEDNESDAY EVENING May 4, 1960, 8:15 P. M.

lO:oo A.

"b'J '

~~ .~ ~~~:=~~~············· ···················································································


Processional -

Officers, Past Presidents, Chairmen Departments, Divisions, Standing

Committees and Distinguished Guests
Call to Order
Invocation .................................................... Mrs. Roy D. Whitlock, VFWC Parliamentarian
Presentation of Guests
Musical Program ............................................................... . Lynchburg College Concert Choir


0 Order
. D" tor Northern District
Mrs. John 0. Gregory, Jumor irec '
I>1 d
s uthwestern District
e ge of A.11 .
H . Id p Street Jumor Dnector, o
eg1ance .... rs. a10

. .
M t
Valley Juniors
Lo - "S tar Spangled Banner' , ........................ Mrs. W1lham J.. a ze,
R b " t C Price Valley J um ors
ccompanied by: Mrs. o e.
Rid e District
C f J Kelly Junior Director, Blue
................................ Mrs. ur is .
I J . . Director Lee District
., nse ········
Mrs. Watson . Powel, umo1
S1"bley, Junior Convention Chairman
ion f p
Mrs. Harold T.
rogram ................
J . r Secretary-Treasurer
asurer• R
Mrs. Harold vV. Garst, umo
ll"E::p ·
s eport ........................... .


N. Caleb Cushing, Conductor

Junior Secretary-Treasurer ............................................

"TODA Y'S SHADOWS INTO TOMO RROW " ................ .... Mrs. J. Lindsay Almond, Jr.,

Mrs. Harold W. Garst
Mrs. A. T. Hove, J r.

Junior Director ............................................... ~;~~·~~··;OR THE WOUNDED

The First Lady of Virginia


Presiding: Mrs. A. T. Hove, Jr., Director of Jun~ors
. ld W Garst Junior Secretary-Treasurer
Mrs. H a10

You give but little when you give of your possessions: it is when you give ol
yourself that you truly give.-Kahlil Gibran

Presiding: Mi ss Anne Dobie Peebles, President

Inlluence i11

C Junior Projects Chairman ................................


Robert D. Ellett
C Junior Projects Chairman ....................................
Mrs. Daniel C. Webb


Ju .

Installation of Officers

E G Middleton, Jr.
Mrs. . .
A Watson ' I
Mrs. ..,,,
vv. •
e l{~l n·
.................... Mrs Curtis
· J · J{eliY
e •strict
e !lid
ge District ...................................................



.c.d1tor '

v·irgiuia Clubwomau ···················· ···················


• ... ... . .

Lee District ................, ................................................................. Mrs. Watson 0. Powell, Jr.
Northern District .................................................................................. Mrs. John O. Gregory
Shenandoah District ............................................................................ Mrs. Hunter Grumbles
Southside District ...................................................................................... Mrs. Allen Kilpatrick
Southwestern District ............................................................................ Mrs. Harold P. Street
Tidewater District .............................................................................. Mrs. Norman T. Hornsby
Credentials Report .................................................... Mrs. Harry Bushkar, Junior Chairman
Election of Junior Secretary-Treasurer
Presentation of Certificates
ROLL CALL by Districts ...................................................................... Mrs. Harold W. Garst

TUESDAY May 3, 1960, 6:00 P. M.
JUNIOR BANQUET - Ballroom - Hotel Roanoke
For happiness and peace of mind open your heart-you have the key! In serving
others, you serve yourself-your fellowman-your community.-Anon

Invocation .............................................................................................. Mrs. Allen Kilpatrick
Presentation of Guests
Farewell to Graduates ........................................................................ Mrs. W. A. Watson, III
Presentation of AW ARDS:
Corinne Murray Public Welfare Award ........................ Mrs. W. E. Cronquist, President
Roanoke County Junior Woman's Club
Marjorie Branch International Relations Award .... Mrs. Norman T. Hornsby, Chairman
Junior Director of Tidewater District
Sue J. Wilkins Citizenship Award .................................. Mrs. Charles B. Moss, Chairman
Norfolk Junior Woman's Club
"Surprise Awards" ............................................................ Mrs. Harold W. Garst, Chairman
Junior Secreta1·y-Treasurer, VFWC
GREETINGS: ................................................ Miss Anne Dobie Peebles, President, VFWC
8:30 P. M. - JUNIOR NIGHT PROGRAM .......................................................... Ballroom
10 :00 P . M. - JUNIOR PARTY ................................................................ Shenandoah Room

WEDNESDAY, May 4, 1960, 12:30 P. M.
JUNIOR LUNCHEON - Shenandoah Room
Review the Past-Plan the Future.- Anon

Invocation ........................ Mrs. Hunter Grumbles, Junior Director, Shenandoah District
Introduction of Guests
Presentat ion of Convention Committees ............................................ Mrs. Harold T. Sibley,
Junior Convention Chairman
Flinal Registra-tion Report ........ Mrs. Harry Bushkar, Jr., Junior Registration Chairman


Installation of Junior Secretary-Treasurer and Junior District Directors
Miss Anne Dobie Peebles, President, VFWC
Address ........................................................................................................ Junior Director.elect

General Chairman .................................................................................. Mrs. Edgar Thunnan
Co-Chairman .............................................................................................. Mrs. Herman Horn
Advisory .......................................................................................................... Mrs. Lloyd G. Bair
Chairman - Mrs. Harold Ross
Credentials - Mrs. Joel W. Flood
Registration - Mrs. L. Ray Welch
Co-Chairman - Mrs. Fred Morgan
Reservations - Mrs. Harry E. Dixon
Information - Mrs. Walter M. Lipes
Tickets - Mrs. Ray J. Barger
Chairman - Mrs. Clarke D. Johnston
Alice Kyle Banquet - Mrs. Roy L. Webber
Tuesday Breakfast - Miss Juanita Robertson
Co-Chairman - Mrs. Howard Bane
Wednesday Breakfast - Mrs. D. L. Buckingham
Co-Chairman - Mrs. J. G. Eller
Tuesday Luncheon - Mrs. M. E. Andrews
Co-Chairman - Mrs. Homer Wade
Favors - Mrs. Albert B. MacMakin
Heironimus Tea - Mrs. James W. Long
GROUP III Clmirman - Mrs. A. D. Stockton, Jr.
Publicity - Mrs. Thelbert E. Capps
Hostesses and Courtesy - Mrs. Neil W. Owen
Corsages - Mrs. Charles F. Pauley
Pages and Ushern - Mrs. Arthur G. Trout
Timekeepers - Mrs. John F. Edmunds
GROUP IV Chairman - Mrs. Henry M. Glasgow
Convention Hall and Platform - Mrs. W. W. Graves
Exhil'Jits _ Mrs. Theo E. Long, Jr.
Co-Chairman - Mrs. W. H. Anderson
Transportation - Mrs. George Huggins
Processional - Miss Mignonne Griggs
Song Leader - Mrs. Edward H. Abbe
Organist _ Mrs. William J. Matze
Vietnam Gift Dolls - Mrs Cecil W. Doss
President's Page ............................................................................ Mrs. William B. co*cke, Jr.
Marshal ...................................................................................................... Mrs. E. Parker Brown



I I I 1-i



I IT I o-i I
I I I-. I l -r

""'"""" ~~fr,'f'





-. I I I I I




-. -r



-. I I I I 1-i
I 1 --i









IC - - i. . .
of-.-.-.THE TIMES ...........

j'- "'...


'- - I














f'!l li y - I 1 <.o a


, Tuesday, May 3, 1960.

Is to Plan
Tl1e convention committee of
the Virl(inia F ederatidn of Women' s Clubs wilf meet tomorrow
at 10:30 a.m . at Hotel Roanoke.
The committee will plan the
state convention to be at Hotel
Roanoke ~

Members of the group are :
Mrs. Edgar A. Thurman. gen•
era! chairman: l\llrs. Herman L.
Horn. vice chairman : Mrs. Harold Ross, Mrs. Clark Johnston,
Mrs. A. D: Stockton Jr .. Mrs.
, Henry M. Glasgow, Mrs. H. T.
Sibley and Mrs. James P. Sisson.
Miss Anne Dobie Peebles. pres1 !dent ·of the state federation, will ·
_Jneet with t~e group.

* *
Mrs. Howard Marks of falls Church Displays Sta te Doll Exhibit

Miller & Rhoads
requests the pleasure of you r company
at a reception
to honor
the newly elected officers of
The Virginia Federation of Women' s Clubs
Wednesday, May fourth
at four o'clock
The Tea Room
Roanoke, Vi rginia

/Y\ a., y

2- -



General Chairman-- Mrs. Edgar Thunnan • • ••••• • •• • • • ••• •• •• • • • • ••• •DU9-5593
P. o. Box 385, Salem
Co-Chairman-- Mrs . Herman Horn •• •• •••• • • • ••••••••••• •• .• • •• •• •• •• ~!4-3159
Duke Drive, Vinton
Advisory--Mrs. Lloyd G. Bair ••••• ••• ••• •• • • • ••• • • •• ••• • • •• • ••• • •DI3- 0996
525 Clydesdale Ave . 1 S. W., Roanoke

Group I
Chairman--Mrs. Harold Ross ••• • • • •.• •.• ••• ••• •••• •• •••• ••• •• • • • •• DI4-5833
Credentials--Mrs. Joel w. Flood
Registration--Mrs, L. Ray Welch • •• • • •• •• ••. . ••• • ••• • ••••••••• •• •EM2-0571
2627 Springhill Drive ., N. W. Roanoke
C-Chairman--Mrs . Fred Morgan • •••..• • •.••• •• •• •• ••••••••••• •••••• DIJ-0497
Reservations--Mrs. Harry E. Dixon •• •• ••••••••• • ••••• • •••• • •• • ••• DI2-6669
1411 West Drive, Lakewood Colony, Rke.
Information--Mrs . Walter M. Li pes • •••• • ••• • •• • • ••• • •• •• •• •••••• • DU9-4171
R. F. D. #3 , Box 1, Salem
Tickets--Mrs. Ray J. Barger • • • ••• ••••• • ••••••• •••• • ••••• • • •••••• EM2- 0611
3642 Sunrise Ave., N. W. Roanoke

1 .

Group II
Chairman--Mrs. Clarke D. Johnston •••• • •••• ••• •• • •• •• • ••• ••• •. • •• DI2-7563
1222 Sylvan Rd . , S. E. Rke .
Alice Kyle Banquet-- Mrs . Roy L. Webber ••• • • ••t .f.. .... ... .... •. EM6-0ll6
4040 Williamson Rd. , N. W. , Rke.
·· Tues. Breakfast--Miss Juanita Robert son ••• • •••• ••• • •• •• •••••• ••• Ev2-2379
101 Ellett Drive, Christiansburg
Co-Chairman--Mrs. Howard Bane
Wed. Breakfast-.Mrs. D, L. Buckingham •• • • • ••••• • • • •• •••• • ••• • •• •EM6- 3300
2536 Chatham St., N, w. Roanoke
Co-Chainnan--Mrs. J. o; Eller••• • • • •• • • • ••••••••••••• ••• • •• ••••·EM6-0808
Tues. Luncheon--Mrs . M. E. Andrews••••·' · •···· · ····· ·· · ·· · · · ·• • •DI 4-2J 20
3212 Pineland Rd., s. w., Rke.
Co-Chairman--Mrs• Homer Wade .•••••• • •••••• • ••••••••• • •• •• •• • • ••• DI 4- 5223
F~s--Mrs. Albert B. MacMakino•• ••••• • ••••• •••• •• •• • • • ••• •••• •DI 3- 0985
Heironimus Tea--Mrs. James w. Long ••• • • . • • •••••• • • •••• • • • ••• •• •• DI3-1824
2202 Ross Lane, s. W. Rke .


Group III

Chairman--Mrs. A. D. Stockton, Jr ••• • ••••••• • • ••• • • ; ••••• • ••• • . • DI2-2S95
3868 South Lake Drive , S. W. Rke . , . .
Publicity--Mrs. Thelbert E. Cappe •• ••..•• ••• • •••• • •• •••• •• • ••• • •DI2-J544
2712 Stevenson Ave. , S . W. Roanoke

Hostesses and Courtesy--Mrs,. Neil w. Owen •••• • • • • ••••• • ••••••••• DI 4-9855
3075 Sedgefield R.oad, S. Vl . Rke .
Corsages--Mrs . Charles F. Pauley •• • ••••••• •• • • •• •• ••••• •• ••••••• DU9-6890
R. F. D. #3 , Box 4, Salem
Pages and Ushers--Mrs . Arthur G. Trout • ••••••••••••••••• • ••••••• EM6-5620

R. F. D. #3, Rke.


Timekeepers--Mrs . John F. Edmunds • ••••• • •• • ••••••••• • •• • • ••• •••• DI5-7224
924 Forest Pk , Rd., N. VI., Rke .
Group IV

Chairman~Mrs. Henry M.

Glasgow •• ••• • •• •• • ••• • •••••••• • ••••••• • •DU9-2J94
Viildwood Rd. , Salem
Convention Hall and Platfonn--Mrs. ~. W. Graves ••••• •• •• •• .••••. DU9-J239
R. F. D. #1, Salem
Exhibit~--Mrs. Theo E. Long, Jr ••• ••• ••• •••• • •• • • • •• •••••• • • • • •• DI3-3 9~1
626 Pine St., Vinton
Co-Chairman--Mrs. w. H. Anderson ••• • • •• •••• •• •••• • •• •• ~ • •• • •••• • DI4-7836
1032 Jeanette Ave., Vinton
Transportation--Mrs. George Huggins •• • ••• ••• •••• •.• .• .•. •• •••• •EM6-181J
3205 Forest Hill Ave., N. Vi. Rke.
Processional--Mi.ss Mignonne Griggs •• •• ••••• • ••• ••• , • ••••• • •• ••• • DU9- 6461
734 Boon St., Salem
/ Song Leader--Mrs. Edward H. Abbe ••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••• SP4-0496
1036AberdeenAve . , s. VI., 'Rke.
Organist--Mrs. William J. Matze • ••••••••••• •• ••••••••••••••• ••• •EM2-0265
2703 Broad St., N. W.

2 - L/


Alice Kyle District •••••••••••••••••• J1ill1amson Rd. Club
Blue Ridge & Southwestern ••••••••.•••• Rokeva Club

Lee District ••••••.•..•...•••.••..•••• Roanoke City Club
Northern District ••••••••• ~ ••••••••••• Salem Club
Shenandoah District ••••••••••••••••••• Bent Mountain Club
Southside District ••••••••••••••••••• •Vinton Club
Tidewater Di.strict •••••••••••••••••••• Roanoke County Club


Stony Creek Woman's Club Wins
Top Award For Community Work

Times Women's Writer
Stony Creek in Sussex Cow1ty,
whicil has benefited medically
through efforts of an active
woman's club, has an added
boost lo its finances. On Monday the Stony Woman's Club accepted the fir t prize of $300 for
i t s Community Achievement
work awarded by Sears, Roebuck and Co.
The award wa~ made at the
53rd annual convention ·of the
Virginia Federation of Women's
Clubs held at Hotel Roanoke.
Making the award was J. P.
Carolan, manager of the Sears
store in Roanoke.


The Stony Creek club used
as its project the organizing
Clf a clinic to provide medical
aid tb an area expansion of 10
to 15 miles. In conjunction
with a citizens committee the
club formed a nonprofit plan
which included the purchase
of a renovated railroad building In the community. The
clinic, for which the club secured a doctor and nurse,
opened in 1958.
Taking second place in Community Achievement was a joint
group in Blacksburg which recently op e n e d a speech and
hearing center. Represented are
the Blacksburg Woman's Club,
the Intermediate Woman's Club
and the Blacksburg Juniors.
They are the recipients of $200
for their project.
The third prize of $100 went
to Princess Ann Woman's Club
at Virginia Beach for its public
library bookmobile with a book
circulation of 90,000.
This is the third year for the
Community A c h i e v e m e n t
awards and it has seen active
participation by the junior and
senior groups. Says Carolan: "It
is through the enthusiasm and
efforts of these clubs that the
program has been so successful.
I would be delighted to see a
Virginia club take first place in ·
the national contest." The top
winner receives $10,000.


FALLS CHURCH Junior Woman's Club took fourth place for
its project of making records for
the blind, and fifth place went
to the Smithfield Junior Woman's Club for its youth center.
Each received a check for $50.
Virginia's search for an AllArnei:ican family ended with the
selection of the E. B. Pendleton
Jr. family of Richmond. The
search has been under way by
clubs in the Virginia Federation and its winning family will
participate in the national finals
at Lehigh Acres, Fla., from May
24-June 1. It is being conducted
by the General Federation, the
Nal.ional Recreation Assn. and
Kiwanis International.
The handsome Pendleton famIly consists of Mr. Pendleton,
. treasurer for the Commonwealth
of Virginia, Mrs. Pendleton and
their five daughters, Barbara
Jan~. 20; Sally Anne. 17; Nancy
McLean, 14; Susan Virginia, 11,
and Martha Christina, 8. Bar·
bara Jane is a student at Salem
College, Winston-Salem, N.C.

"We've never considered
ourselves anything other than
a typical family," says the
well-groomed Mrs. Pendleton.
The Louisa County native is
organist for 7th Street Chris·
tian Church, where all the
family regularly attends Sunday School, church and Sun·
day evening "Fam.iJ.v Comes
to Church." She I! also active




.. .......



<Times Photos)

Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Pendleton Jr. of Richmond and Daughters, Sally, Top Row .
••• Martha, Nancy, Susan-Have Been Chosen Virginia's All-American Family

My 11 1 1 &(].
ervicemenAmhassado s, VFWCTold
for me when the Navy called me
back to active duty as an ensign
in ~940 . I was making more
money wr iting for magazines·
than for lhe newspaper," the
striking captain says.
The war yea rs put a temporary 1
damper on his writing. But with
the end of hoslilities, he began
again only to be called back to
active duty in 1948.

Navy Man Is ·Speak:er
011 Co11vention's Last Dav
J •

By - Aune Hammersley
World-News Staff Writer


the cbildreu .h ave never tasted

' millt. The Air Force, in many

He was born in a tent, the last
of 10 children. '
Until he was firn year s old,
A1\en R. Bosworth had never sat
down at a ta ble tu eat.
incc then he's been a seaman
ln the Navy, news editor of a
leading West Coast paper, a
career Navy man and a leading
a uthor of best-selling novels.
Next montll he will end 20
of active duty with the
Navy where he "always want·
ed to command a ship but. be·
cause of newspaper experi·
cnce, I wound up in public re·

clj.Ses of disaster. have flown
b1 food and clothing to fill a
dire need.

"These things are never pub·
licized. All that' s heard of
Americans abroad are the Girard
cases and the 'Go home, Ameri·
caus', " he says with a venge·
Today's talk was a monumental task for the Naval captain
who is much more accustomed
to dealing with men than wom·
en . He claims he is not a public speaker.
"But J'd far rat11er talk to '
women than men. I've never
been the sort to want a night
out with the boys. I much pre·
fer feminine companionship,"
he says with a twinkle in his
blue eyes.

Today he related details of h.is
life for the VFWC convention
and described the way American
- servicemen work as goodwill am·
bas actors i n foreign lands.
His writing career beg~m when
"The average American never
realizes the wonderful work lhe he was a hospital corpsman in
branches of the service do to aid California. The first contribu·
helpless, stricken natives abroad. tio.u was a bit ot poetry in a Naval magazine.
It "sort of grew" until he was
"Navy m en have sent cows
to Korean orphanages where writing a column ,for the service,

Re 1ahi itation

Pl-ea Is Voiced
lection, gathered to stress need
for Viet Nam aid, will be sent
to the American Women's Club
in Saigon.

By l\fary'Bland Armistead
World -News Women's Editor

" f exhort and beseech you to
continue your interest in training the handicapped ," a wheel·
chair-bound speaker told the Vir·
ginia Federation of Womeii"s
Clubs today.
William Cashatt, former minister aad a victim of paralysis,
is a leading worker at the Woodr ow Wilson Rehabilitation Cen·
ter. He spoke in the cause of
s pecial education for the crip·
f · ......
···,:::; pled and retard·
~' ·
· ' ed.
" One of the truest expressions of
love is responsibil·
' ity, " he said. "Society's responsibil·
ity is care and
training, w h e r e
possible. of chil·
dren who h a v e
been born with a
handicap or who
have suffered a
Armistead handicapping . disaster."
He said the efforts of the women's federation " benefit children
you will never know."

Since then he's combined his
.writing a id Naval careers iu a
most successful manner. His
"Lovel.v World of Richi-San" is
currently receiving wicle acclaim
and Ha rper's plans to publish
his !ales!., "The Crows of Eel·
wina Hill," in the fall.

"Then I'm goi ng to write about
my family life as a roving Texan,"
he declares with satisfaction .
His eye' is currently on a farm
near Louisa for a retirement retreat. But first he wants to travel
about the country in his sports
If his plans materialize, his son
and family will come to ~he Virginia farm and father and son
will write together.
Capt. Allan R. Bosworth
"He's really a far better writer
t!han J," the proud father asserts.
publication. Then l~e co1~vinced "We want to !~ ave a ..ioint stu!lio
a newspaper that · it needed a and li brary with a little pacing
five-day-a-week Naval column. room between."
This he wrote while still in the
Tl1e handsome Captain Bos·
'i\•or th i& a proud grandfather in
"A writing career ha<l never addition to his other talents.
occurred to me until 1 took m:v Without a moment's hesitation
copy to the paper one day and he will whisk out pictu,res of his
was offered a job," lie says son's daughters. '
When speakii1g of them, or anyThal's when the Navy took a thing. this man displays a heart
back seal.
usually not associated with a stern
He rose in the newspaper world Naval officer. He has proven that
to ass istant managing editor of the buffeting experiences of the
U1e San Francisco Chronicle and world need not he embittering.
· contributing author to such With such insight into life, he
magazines as Saturday Evening is sure to be as successful in his
Post and Collier's.
· so-called reti~ement as he's been \
"Things were going real well in active life.




" The collect ion ," she said, "ex·
presses ycur concern to share
the beauty of American life with
the children of that country."
Eigbt r esolutions received federation approval today. The concern constructive use and control
of radiation ; special education
for teachers in diversified fields:
two-year colleges at the local
level; youth conservation; im·
provement of juvenile court services to children ; utilization of information from White House conferences or> youth and the ages :
s t u d y services for committed
children and popu1ation control.
Ann Howard, of WDB.J-TV' s
"Panorama" spoke at one of
the breakfasts this morning.
She was second place winner,
nationally, in 'l safety contest
sponsored by the N a t i o n a I
S a f e t y Council. Her award
came fm a I o c a l campaign
boosting safety belts for ve·

She discussed what women can
do to foster traffic safety and ad·
vacated annual re-tests for older
drivers. Patrick DeHart of the
VPI extension service was another speaker.
Other delegates attended a club
institute breakfast with Mrs. Roy
D. Whitlock. VFWC parliamen·
tarian, as speaker.
Later today they were to hear
a condemnation of p ornography
e 53r statP convent10n open!
L R I w lt
ed Monday at Hotel Roanoke.
1y . 01e
a er, spec1a as- ;;:;= = = = = = === = ===
sistant to the Postmaster Gen· . ·
eral of t,be United States. and a I·
discussion of juvenile problems 1
by Judge Elizabeth fl all anan of
the .Juvenile Court of Kanawha
Co1111ty, W. Va.
Ne officers, expected to be
headed by Mrs. J . York Welborn ·
of Arlington, who was nominated ,
without opposition, were to be l
hono1 eel at a reception at Miller
& Rhoads later in the day and
:1~tcr a buffet supper. Mrs. J .
Li_nd"<!y /'dmond of Roanoke and
Richmond is to dose the state 1
gathenn" with "Todav"s Sh~d-


Heading for a late adjourn·
ment this evening, more than
800 delegates split into two
breakfast sessions today, bal·
loted for a new slate of of·
ficers. voted on resolutions
and digested thoughts of tw.o
!iPCakers before lunch.



Pace Is Fast

At Sessions
A fast pace set the mood for
Tuesday's session· a t the 53rd
convention of the Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs in
Hotel Roanoke.

'!'here were 11 spec&ers on the
·program. Meetings began at a
sun-up 7:45 breakfast and lasted
-until late into the evening.
For the 680-plus conventiongoers , there was variety at their
fin gertips. Speakers talked on
every subject from conservation
to Pilot Guide dogs.
An Arlington member, Mrs. J .
York Welborn, was nominated
without opposition to succeed
Miss Anne Dobie Peebles of Carson as federation president.
others on the slate up for a
· vote Wednesday morning:
Mrs. Giles C. Engledove, Richmond, first vice president; Mrs.
Alvah E. Riggins, Poquoson,
second vice president ; Mrs. Noland S. Cutler J r., Newport
News, third vice president and
junior director ; Mrs. Samuel E .
Pope, Drewerysvile, recording
ing secretary, and Mrs. J . Dean
Creger: St. Paul, treasurer.
At the 12:30 p.m . luncheon,
three separate sessions were going at one time, and women had
their choice of topics.
As members polished off a
cold plate assortment of asparagus, tomatoes, eggs and chicken
salad, the Fine Arts group heard
Robert Telford , director of the
Virgi nia Museum of Fiqe Arts
Theatre, 'plug the merits of community theater.

Museum Director and Woman Who Tes teif Fallou t Shelter at VFWC Convention

Life in Shelter
Not 'Unbearable'

Times Women's Writer
She doesn't look like a pioneer.
Her skin .is smoothly tanned.
Her blond hair peeps from beneath a perky flowered hat, and
her slim figure is shown off in
a tailored gray suit with crisp
white collar.
Yet this woman, 1.1rs. Thomas
A. Powner of Windsor, N.J., is
ju s~ as much a
pacesetter as her ll'm%ti~3''''.V'i"f":.
sisters of covered
wagon fame .
1 .<=;>
For two weeks {
last August, Mrs. ::.
Powner and her '
, family lived in a
8x9 - foot fallou t
shelter . . . first
for Americans. ;f
The experiment ·
was planned by i:;:w; .
civil -defense ofNorma
ficials an d the
Powners w e r e
asked to serve as guinea pigs by
Dr. Jack Vernon , associate professor of psychology at Princeton University, where Pawner,
a teacher was taking special
In Roanoke Tuesday to address the annual convention or'
t he VFWC, 111rs. Powner said
her first. reaction to the proposal was "No!"
"I was frankly skeptical," she
says, but after talking to Dr.
Vernon, I realized someone had
to do it."
So, equipped with the bare
necessities. the couple and their
three small children ,got ready
for their "first." The little
Powners ranged in age from
Scott. then 51h, and Tory, 3~~ to
baby Hilary, 23 months.

' Jii



hors were told that the famil y
was off for a vacation . <Some
vacation, says Mrs. Powner ),
and only t he couple's parents
were in on the secret.
Into the shelter, they took a
complete suppl¥ of canned foo d,
38 gallons of water . and three
changes of clothing for each. For
~he children, a fav orite toy or
security blanket was added.
Furnishings were stark. There
was only one bunk, two extra
m attresses, a folding table and
two folding · chairs. To keep
themselves occupied, the family
brought along an adequate supuly of books, a word-game a nd
a deck of cards, but they soon
tired of cards.
Life without electricity is unimaginable to the modl!rn world,
yet the Powners foJ.Jnd ways to
do without. Light was furnished
by 150 millamp flash light bulbs
an<l candles. "It was very dim
a ll the time," the housewife says,
adding that reading was sometimes a strain .
Food was prepared in a
chafing dish with a candle
F or the first few days, t he
family was busy re-arranging
the r oom, trying to create more
fl oor space by shifting car tons.
Their chief wor ry was not knowfog what each day would bring,
but the experience was never
For Mrs. Pawner, a miscalculation of time was the worst
blow. She figured one day ahead
of time, but her husband corrected the error. The knowledge
left her "very depressed."
The children fared better.
"The children's acceptance wcntl
beyond everyone's expectations \
. . . 'fhey accepted the situation


Wednesday, May 4, 1960.

"There is a great deal of talent
and training throughout the
country," he said. The stumbling blocks for amateur organizations, as Telford sees it, are lack of good stage facilities and script
tie-ups from long New York
runs and movie commitments.
In comparing small town-big
town shows, he admitted local
groups lack the polish of New
Yol'k and often, the well-rounded
casts. On the plus side, he
pointed to the "cohesiveness of
people working and living together to produce a creation" that
boasts a quality of production
closer to the author's intent.
"The General F edera tion of
Women's Clubs plays a very
important role in sustaining
conservation as a matter of
national policy,:.' accor ding to
T. C. Fearnow.

Fearnow. assistant r egional
forester, Eastern region, U.S.
Forest Service, wjth headquarters in Upper Deroy. Pa., spoke
at the Garden and Conservation
" A Look Ahead in Conservation of Our National Resources,"
was the theme of Fearnow's remarks.
"Through scientific, multiple "
use of management, timber, water, forage, recreation, game,
fish, and aesthetic values mav
be provided on mor e a cres of
forest land· in a-harmonious pattern of land use. Under this type
of management the best use o{
all our natural resour ces and the
· . permanence of our way of life
are made more certain," Fearnow said.
A morning speaker , Dr. EdMiss Anne Doble Peebles
Mrs. Alvah E. JUggins
ward Phillips, executive director
of the· American Child Guidance
Foundation: said the U n i t e d
States is "going backward" in
1 its efforts to cone with problems
OM be on hand at the end of the completed home. They're glad
of disturbed childr en, mainly beexperiment . .. just in case they to have had the experience and cause of lack of tr ained percould not last. When they glad to have helped their coun- sonnel.
And a Roanoke editor, M. Carl
emerged 14 days later, there
"It's something that can be Andrews, reviewed the 1960 Genwas " no stupendous reaction."
accomplished by anyone," , she eral Assembly, concludin!( that
"We were so glad to be out, says, "even with three normal " many members . allowed open
but confused by all the people .....:c::
dr:..:e:::"-:...'_' - - - - - - - - hatred of Gov. Almond to color
greeting us."
their thinking and their actions
Members of the press were not
with the result that the Legislaallowed in on the occasion.
tive program suffered." I
Now with the experience beAn Editor Looks a~ Cashind them , the family plans to
tro's Cuba- Pag e 11.
build a sheller in their new un_ .

VFWC President and Hea lth Cha irman

1734 N STREET, N.W.



I. Emphasis on the Symbols of American Heritage
WHEREAS, Love of our country, pride in our heritage, and devotion to the ideals of government on whi ch it was fo unded should
be nurtured in succeedin g genera tions by an awareness of the
significance of the hi storic documents and symbols of our government, and of the places identified with th e lives of Am erican
pioneers and statesmen, therefore
RESOLVED, That the General Federation of Wom en's Clubs
expresses its belief that American citizens should be reminded of
the debt we owe to our hi storic past by:
1. A Proclama tion by the President of the Uni ted States
establi shing an annual "Great Seal Day" in r ecognition
of the importance of the Great Seal of the United States
of Am erica as a symbol of our governm en t;
2. Appropriate ceremonies held at national monum ents and
3. Improvement of th e means of access to national shrines
in order that visi ts to those areas be encoura ged.
Submitted by:

II. Peaceful Use of Antarctica
WHEREAS, The General Federation of Women's Oubs has long
worked fo r peace, International cooperation, and towards scientific
advancement; therefore
RESOLVED, That the General F eder ation of Women's Clubs
approves the principle of the multilateral treaty of December
1959, signed by 14 nations, which provides for the exclusively
peaceful use of Antarctica assured by a system of inspection; and
further provides for free and cooperative scientific resear ch on
th at con tinent ; and which prohibits nuclear explosions there,
pending general international agreement on the sub ject; and
RESOLVED, That the General Federation of Women's Oubs
nrges the Congress to ratify this proposed treaty of mu! tilateral
coo peration.
Submitted by:
Int ernational Affairs Department
Approved by: The Policy Committee

III. Passport Control
WHEREAS, The General Federation of Wom en's Clubs has always been interested in National Security and in promo tin g and
safeguarding the in terests of the United States; and
WHEREAS, A passport can be a great asset to persons in th eir
travel abroad but it may be used to end anger our national interest
and impair our conduct of foreign relations if issued to persons
supporting the International Communist Movemen t; and
WHEREAS, The Secretary of Stale has historically denied passports to perso ns who knowi ngly assist the International Commun ist Movement; and
WHEREAS, In June 1958 the United States Supreme Court ruled
that the Secretary of Sta te has no statutory authority to deny
passports to communists even though the Secretary has grounds
to believe that such persons were goin g abroad fo r th e purposes
of engaging in activities that would advance the Intern ational
Communist Movement ; therefore
RESOLVED, That the General F edera tion of Women's Cl ubs
actively work for immediate legislation in the United States Congress wh ich would authorize the Secretary of State to deny passports to persons who engage in activities calculated to furth er th e
In ternational Communist Movement.
Submitted by:

IV. The Abolishment of p*rnography
WHEREAS, The Director of the Federal Burea u of Investigation
has stated that American morals are besieged today by an un-

principled force in the ;pread of obscene literature through th e
means of fi lms, decks of playing cards, photographs, " comic"
books, salacio us magazines, certain paper-backed books, phonograph r eco rds, and p*rnographic materials; and
WHEREAS, This practice is robbing our country of decency and
serves as a seed-bed for delinquency and sex dev iation among
juvenil es and depravity among all ages; and
WHEREAS, Unspeakably vile material is being sent un solicited
through th e Unit ed States mails into hom es and is sold openly
elsewhere ; therefore
RESOLVED, That the General F edera tion of Women's Clubs
strongly urges its member clubs to use every available mea ns to
combat obscenity and p*rnography by programs of cooperative
co mmunity ac tion based on:
1. Education of th e public as to the ex tent of the problem
and th e effects on society of obscenity and p*rnographic
2. P articipation by citizens in the program of ac tion of th e
Uni ted States Postmaster General. This in cl ud es placing
promptly in the hands of the local postm a~ t e r, either
personally or by mail, any objectionable or p*rnographic
material received throu gh the mails, with th e special precaution to save all materials including the covering envelope.
3. Cooperation with law enforcement agencies in the prosecution of those who violate the laws and ordinances dealing with p*rnogra phy and obscenity and by studying
municipal ordinances and state statutes and urging the
strengthenin g of them when needed.
Submitted by:
Community Affairs Department
Approved by: The Policy Committee

V. Indian Affairs-Termination of Federal
WHEREAS, It is the conviction of the General Federation of
Women's Clubs that termination of government servi ces and
trusteeship of Indi an land is not at present in the best interests
of th e Indi an people and should not take place until the Indians
are fully prepared by education and ex perience to mana ge their
own a ffairs and take their rightful place in the larger American
society; and
WHEREAS, It is th e furth er convicti on of th e Gen eral Federa tion
of Women's Clubs that th e Indi an trib es themselves should be
allowed to determin e when th ey are ready for termination of
government protection; th erefore ·
RESOLVED, That the General F edera tion of Wom en's Clubs
urges a r e-statement of Federal Indian policy to replace the
termin ation policy which would prematurely take from the
Indians th e sa fegu ards they need.
Submitted by:
MRS. P. B. WILSON, Chairman
Indian Affairs Division
Approved by: The Policy Committee

VJ. Indian Affairs-Indian Education
WH EREAS, The Indians today recognize that the family and
community backgrounds of many Indian children do not provide
them with the experi ences on whi ch th e ed ucational programs
in Am erican school s generally are based; and
W HEREAS, By public law 84-702 the Secretary of th e Interior,
ac ting throu gh the Bureau of Indian Affairs, has been empowered
to conduct a study and investi ga tion of Indian education in the
United States with emphasis on th e problems of Indian children
from non-English speaking homes ; and .
WHEREAS, No appropriati on has been made for ca rryi ng out
this st udy and investi ga tion; therefore



""\:bat. \.be CeneTa."\


c::a\. ~\:JU'\.tn° 'l!I.


urges Congress to appropriate tbe \unch. nece ..s ary \or tne '5e":Tetary of the Interior to accomplish this program at the earltest

possible date.
Submitted by:
Mns. P. B. WILSON, Chairman
Indian A ff airs Division
Approved by: The Policy Committee

VII. Indian Affairs-Indian Health
WHEREAS, The standard of health in th e Indian population
living on reservations in the United States is far below that of
the general population; and
WHEREAS, The lates t report of the United States Public H ealth
Service attributes this low standard of Indian health in large
measure to lack of sanitation facilities and un safe water supplies
on Indian reservations; and
WHEREAS, The 86th Congress has passed the Indian Sanitation
Facilities Bill which authorizes th e United States Public Health
Service to provide sa nitation facilities on Indian reservations in
cooperation with th e Indians themselves; th erefo re
RESOLVED, That the General Fed eration of Women's Clubs
urges the Congress to mak e adeq ua te appropriations to enable
the United States Public Health Service to cons truct sanitation
facilities and provide safe community and domestic water supplies
on Indian reservations in accordance with the provisions of the
Submitted by:
MRs. P. B. WILSON, Chairman
Indian Affairs Division
Approved by: The Policy Committee

VIII. Indian Affairs-Economic Opportunities
For Indians
WHEREAS, The General Federation of Women's Oubs recognizes the need for providing wider economic opportunities for
American Indians living on reservations; and
WHEREAS, The establishment of industri es on or near Indian
reservations and the development of the natural resources of the
reservations for the purpose of 'providing year-round employment
for Indians near their homes have been the goals of the Federal
government, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the Indian tribes
themselves in recent years; th erefore
RESOLVED, That the General Federa tion of Women's Clubs
pledges continuing encouragement and support of such industrial
development programs and urges the Congress of the United States
to continue to pursue these programs for a r ealistic economic
Submitted by:
MRS. P. B. WILSON, Chairman
Indian Affairs Division
Approved by: The Policy Committee

IX. Care and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts
WHEREAS, The declaration of the Congress of th e United States,
the United Nation's Commission on Narcotic Drugs, and th e
National Research Council, is that narcotic drugs should not be
used to gratify addiction; and that in the trea tment of drug
addiction methods of ambulatory trea tment and open clinics are
not advisable; and
WHEREAS, It is r ealized that the sale and use of narcotic drugs
should be strictly limited to medical needs and that experts in
treatment of narcotic addiction have repea tedly emphasized that
most addicts cannot be treated effectively and rehabilitated unless
required to submit to legal restraint in closed institutions; and
WHEREAS, The General Federation of Women's Clubs is in
opposition \o proposals which advocate experimentation with
established facilities for legalized distribution of narcotic drugs
to addicts for maintenance of their addiction; and

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'N"l:\.~'t.~ ~'t.<e ~

en\.orcemen.t o\_ Se'lere an.G_ m..an<l.a\.OT'j "\a'l<l!., 'l<nic'I:\. nal!.
Tesulted in a marked reduction ol '1ru-& aolmc't'ton an.O. in ole\.erTence of unlawful sale ol narcotics; therefore
RESOLVED, That the General Federation of Women's Clubs
strongly urges compulsory hospitalization for addicts where facil·
it ies are available in the effort to cure, to rehabilitate, and to
prevent furth er addiction; and further
RESOLVED, That the General Federation of Women's Oubs
urges th e Congress of the United States to maintain the provisions of the National Narcotics Restriction Act of 1956.


Submitted by:
Mns. ARTHUR CROM, Chairman
Community Affairs Department
Approved by: The Policy Committee

X. Ethics in Radio and TV
WHEREAS, The General Federation of Women's Clubs is deeply
co ncern ed with:
1. Practices such as payment to disc jockeys or program
directors to induce them to perform certain individual
musical works, or press ure exerted by or on broadcasting
or recording personnel to perform or record certain categories of music, thereby denying the American Public the
privilege of choosing the programs and individual works
it wants to hear;
2. The difficulty in fixing responsibility for these conditions;
WHEREAS, We recognize that certain irregularities recentl y
uncovered are revolting but not representative of the entire radio
and TV industry; and
WHEREAS, The Radio and TV Codes of the National Association of Broadcasters outline high ideals in their regulations which
have not always been faithfully followed in the past but we are
cognizant of some improvement in adherence to the Codes; therefore, he it
RESOLVED, That the General Federation of Women's Clubs
urges that the Federal Communications Commission consider
li cense r enewals of radio and TV stations every three years with
examinations and hearings at the site where the local license is
h eld; such action being necessary in the area of discipline within
th e indus try; and furth er
RESOLVED, That th e General F ederation of Women's Clubs
urges th e National Association of Broadcasters to enforce th e
Ra dio a nd TV Codes with increased vigor and tempo, in l'irder
to assure th e American Public a great er numb er of wholesome
radio a nd television programs.
Submitted by:
Communications Department
Approved by : The Policy Committee

XI. Programming in Radio and TV for Children
WHEREAS, The General Federa tion of Women's Oubs is deeply
concern ed with the deplorable lack of worthwhile offerings in
th e field of children's programs, both on the national and the
local level; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the General Federation of Women's Clubs
urges the radio and TV networks and local stati-0ns to encourage
more creative efforts in the production and presentation of children's programs of higher caliber, with desirable and appropriate
time on the air waves allocated to such programs.
Submitted by:
Communications Department
Approved by: The Policy Committee

Arlington Woman HeadS Virginia Federation

Vice President-Junior Director

First Vice President




(Time• Photo)



Newly Eledted Officers
of Virginia
Federation of Women's Clubs· at Reception in Their Honor Wednesday Afternoon t

break during the Women's Clubs '"convention at
HOiel Roanoke, are from the left, Mrs. L. Ray
Welch, Mrs. Neil w. Owen, Miss Frances .Reed,

Mrs. Alborn Cole ancl Mrs. Cad M. Andrews.
All are members of the Rokeva Club. Mrs.
Owen is courtesy' and hospitality chairman for
the convention.

~'edncsd ay,

May 4, 1960







J"1orther'n 'Di;;Jrid
Vi rginia Fede ra tion of Women';; C:l'1 b;;

Mrs. C. B. Davis (left) of CliHon Forge Won: With Her,

Mrs. James Egan of Colonial Heights and Mrs. V. C. Shields
of Richmond.

Doi I Diplomafs Add
Girlish Look at Meet
ROANOKE, May 4.- Ther e are nearly 1,000 dolls here
for the Virginia Federation of W omen's Clubs (VFWC) convention.
All but 166 of them are the walking, talking, over -5-feet
kind-delegates an d visitors from sta te clubs.
The remaining 166 ate - - - - - ---'-- - - - from six inches to two fe et
doll-lined Hotel Ro a ~ o k e
tall and are delegates from- room wher_!? they're on disVirginia to Viet Nam.
play. She is state internationThe little dolls are dresse d
al relations chairman and
in roi;tumes that range from
she'll send her miniature
1607 to 2000 in time and from
American History pageant to '
Indian maid to noblewoman
three woman's clubs of Viet
in rank.
Nam tha t r equested them.
That there are so many
Among t hese small ambasha~ le ft Mrs. Howard Mark!f
sadors there'll be an impresof F alls Oturch as opentve array of important permouthed as some of her small
sonages. Lady Astor 1s on
hand, dressed in dainty white
"I experted m;iybe , 20,"
batiste and lace by ffhe Wornsaid Mrs. Mark 6.' ' she carried little figure~ around the
Con t inued on Next Page

.Mrs. Erby George .Middleton, Jr.


Wecluesday, l\1ay 4, 1960

Mrs. C. B. Davis (left) of Clifton Forge Won; With Her.
Mrs. James Egan of Colonial Heights and Mrs. V. C. Shields
of Richmond.

Doll Diplomats Add .
Girlish Look at Meet
ROANOKE, May 4.-There are nearly 1,000 dolls here
for the Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs (VFWC) convention.
All hut 166 of them are the walking, talking, over-5-feet .
kind-delegates and visitors from state clubs.
The remaining 166 ate - - - - -- -- - - from six inches to two feet
doll-lined Hotel Ro an o k e
tall and are delegates from
room wher_I'! they're on disVirginia to Viet Nam.
play. She is state internationThe little dolls are dressed
al relations chairman and
in <'Ol'tumes that range from
she'll send her miniature
1607 to 2000 in time and from
American History pageant to ,
Indian maid to noblewoman
three woman's clubs o~ Viet
in rank.
Nam that requested them.
That there are so m,any
Among these small ambasha~ left Mrs. Howard Marks
sadors there'll be an impresof Falls Cl1urch as openive array of important permouthed as some of het small
sonages. Lady Astor 1s on
hand, dressed in da·i nty white
"I expected maybe 20,"
batiste and lace by Nle Wornsaid Mrs. Marks e.~ she carried little figures around the
Continued on Next Page

- lj~~



\l'ednesday, May 4, 1960

'Mrs. C. B. Davis (left} of Clifton Forge Won; With Her,
Mrs. James Egan of Colonial Heights and Mrs. Y. C. Shields
of Richmond.

Doll Diplomafs Ada'
Girlish Look af Meet
ROANOKE, May 4.-There are nearly 1,000 dolls here
for the Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs CVFWC) convention.
All but 166 of them are the walking. talking, over-5-feet
kind-delegates and visitors from state clubs.
The remaining 166 ate - - - -- - - - - - from six inches to two feet
doll-lined Hotel R o an o k e
tall and are delegates from- room wher~ they're on disVirginia to Viet Nam.
play. She is state internationThe little dolls are dressed
al relations chairman and
/ in <'oslurnes that range from
she'll send her miniature
1607 to 2000 in time and from
American History pageant to '
Indian maid to noblewoman
three woman's clubs of Viet
in rank.
Nam that requested them.
That there are so many
Among these small ambasha§ left Mrs. Ho-ward Marks
sadors there'll be an impresof Falls aiurch as Oji)ensive array of important per·
mouthed a some of het small
sonages. Lady Astor is on
h and, dressed in dainty white
"I expected maybe 20,"
batiste and lace by fille Wornsaid Mrs. Mark as she carried JitUe figures :iround the
Continued on Next Page

.Mrs. Erby George MiJJJeton, Jr.



Mrs. C. B. Davis {left) of Clifton Forge Won; With Her,
Mrs. James Egan of Colonial Heights and Mrs. V. C. Shields
of Richmond.

Doll Diplomats Add
Girlish Look at Meet
ROANOKE, M:ay 4.- Ther e a re nearly 1,000 dolls here
for the Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs (VFWC) convention.
All but 166 of them are the walking, talking, over-5-feet .
kind- delegates and visitors from state clubs.
The remaining 166 ate - - - -- -- - - - from six inches to two feet
doll -lined Hotel Ro an o k e
t all and are delegates fr om- room wher):! they're on disVirginia to Viet Nam.
play. She is state internationThe little dolls are dressed
al relations chairman and
in <'ostumes that r ange from
she'll send her miniature
1607 t o 2000 in time and from
American History pageant to '
Indian maid to noblewoman
three woman's clubs of Viet
in rank.
Nam that requested them.
That there are so ma ny
Among these small ambasha~ left :Mrs. Ho·vard Mark
sadors there'll be an impr e •
of Falls Owrch as openslve array of importan t per·
mouthed a some of her small
sonages. Lady Astor is on
hand, dressed in dainty white
"I expected maybe 20,"
!batiste and lace by ffrle Wornsaid Mrs. M<1rks a . she carr ied litile figures around the
Con tinued on Next Page

.Mrs. Erby George MiJJJeton, Jr.

Roanoke World-I\

By Mary Bland Armistead
World -News Women' s Editor

The Virginia F ederation of
W~men's Clubs was surrounded
wath ur?b~m s today: emotional
and social ones of children legislative ones of the Genera'! Assembly and m inor legislative
ones of its own.
·Rou nding out a second convention day at Hotel Roanoke.
nearly 70(} delega tes were given
a look at plans for guidance and
help to troubled childr en by two
s oe.akers and a r esume of the
~eneral Assembly's recent session by a newspaperman. ·
And Mrs. J. York Welborn
of Arlington was nominated

without opposition to succeed
1\liss Anne Dobie Peebles of
Carson as federation president.

Other s nom inated were Mrs.
Giles C. Engledove. Richmond.
for first vice president; Mrs.
Alvah E. Riggins. Poquoson, for
second vice president ; Mrs. No-

,. fL

land S. Cutler Jr., Newport
ews, third vice Pl1!Sident and
iunior director: Mrs. Samuel E.
Pope, Drewerysville, recording
secretary, and Mrs. J . Dean
Creger. St. Paul, treasurer.
They will be voted on by ballot tomorrow between 9 and 11:30
Dr. Edward Phllllps, executive director of the American
Child Guidance Foundation,
tdld the group today the conn·
try is "going backwards" in
its efforts to cope with prob·
lems of disturbed children.
Toda.v. he said, there is personnel available to undertake
competent care of less than 10
per cent of those who need it.
In another 20 years. he declared
the country "lucky" if able to
care for five per oent.
In this atomic age, he declared it "more important than
ever that we be concerned about
the prfaciples and guidance of
children. The qualities we instill
in them become the strength and

Mrs. W elborn •••
up for ~resid ency

national ju n ior head

character of the nation."
Dr. Phillips said the Child
Guidance Foundation is inter·
ested primarily in three groups:
the delin9uent child, the emo·
tionally disturbed' child and " all
the other kids who represent 90
per cent of-the children we_never_

Thursday, May



hear anything about."
They are overshadowed by
the sordid details of the two
other groups, he said, adding
that each year nearly, two mil·
lion children get in trouble
with the pblice and "need help


New VFWC President
Still Relishes Home Arts

Tim es Women's Writer
For a n Arlington grandmother,
Wednesday was the climEx of 25
years' work.
Mrs. J . York Welborn r eceived
her fellow club women's highest
h onor yesterday by being elected
pres ident of the Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs.
The federation's new head is
a small· tatured, white-haired
woman with rosebud complexion and soft-spoken manner. She
was born in Salpulpa, Okla., and
has made her; home in Virginia
for the past 30 year s,
. Mrs. W e l b o r n began · club
work because of friends' urgings.
They felt she should
get out of the house,
and because she had
News two
small chil dren,
knew she would welPersonalit y com e a change that
woUld complem e n t
her role as "fullOf
time" mom .
'l' ha t was the

start. Her ri e to
The T1mes st a t e prominence
has been a step-bystep c 1 i m b ever
since. F irst she served her local
club as president. Then she became Northern District secretary-treasurer, dist.r}ct p res~dent,
federation second vice president,
first vice president, and today,
Hom emaking i ~ more than
j ust a job for Mrs. Welborn,

who enjoys performing ~nd
domestic arts. She majored in
home economics during her
student days at Colorado State
University, and 'still gets satis·
faction from the feminine arts.
When she took over the state
federation's gavel Wednesday
night, Mrs. Welborn had her own
cheering section here. Missing
the fun aJ1,d excitement was only
one member of the Welborn
h o u s e h o I d, the couple's son,
Jerry. Their daughter, Mrs . .
Louis J ustment Jr. and little
grandson journeyed from Maryland for the occasion.
Her husband, a highway re·
search engi neer with the U.S.
Bureau of Public Roads, waited
two hour-s in the hotel IObby to
bestow a congratulatdry kiss
after his wife's election. After a.
brief greeting, she hurried off
for more ~isses , and handshaking, at a reception honoring her
.and her new slate in Miller and
Rhoads tearoom.
For the occasion, she selected
a oale blue, embroidered dress
with matching blue half-hat and
A woman . of many interests,
Mrs. W e 1 b o r n serves on the
board of directors for the Virt?inia Tuberculosis Assn.. and the
Virginia CARE committee. She·
was a state< d e I e g a t e to the
White House Conference on Children and Youth, and in her own

community, works with groups
for tbe cause of retarded children, as well as TB and cancer

He said that the F oundation,
for the past five years, has been
studying what needs to be done
j n this country "and we think
we have the answer."
It is, he said, trying to work
by certai11 ground rules for action : a clear objective of what
it is trring to do, reasonable
expectations of the outcome, decision oil thj! proper tools and
agencies to use.
But it is plagued with ' rouble
spots, " most important of which
is a lack of trained personnel.
"To much training comes from
books and lectures," he claimed.
" One must see . real cases and
situations to know how to deal
· with them. "
He also cited lack of knowledge, division of responsibility,
lack of understanding and lack
of personal confidence as other
handicaps in working with chi!dren.
He was followed by Dr. Hiram
Davis, Virginia yommissioner of
Mental Hygiene and Hospitals,

An expansion of the City Nursing Home at Coyner Springs apparently will not get under way
fo r some time.
City Council yesterday showed
little enthusiasm for the $114,000
enlargement suggested by City
'Manager Arthur S. Owens. Equipment would cost another $50,000.
<The federal government might pay
155 per cent of the cost under the
\Hill-Burton act.

* *

dt Both Vice Mayor Roy L. Web"ber and Councilman Walter L ,
~ou ng questioned the need fo ~
tian expansion. '
Councilma n Willis M. Anderson
i· • • • finance it at

lowest cost

• Personal Loons
't~ho discEusset~ "M eDn~atl Rbetard~; : - -··· ~ ..c i cu ,.,.,.,,_,_, ~'"
IOn VS . mo IOna IS Ur ance,
absentee voting privilege."
and M. Carl Andrews, editor of
A proposed revision to Artithe editorial page of The Roa- cle 8, Section I of the Federanoke World-News.
tion's by-laws was withdrawn.
"The oldest lawmaking body
It concerned meeting places
in the wes tern hemisph~refo r winter board meetings and


· .= ·


i Country 'Going Backward' in Help for Disturbed~
Arli11gton Woman Named
Foi· VFWC Presidency
B.Y Mary Bland Armistead ·
World-News Women's Edilor


land S. _Cutler Jr., Newport
News. third vice p1;.esident and
.iunior director: Mrs. Samuel E.
Pope, Drewerysville, recording
secretary, and Mrs. J. ·Dean
Crel(er, St. Paul, treasurer.
They will be voted on by ballot tomorrow between 9 and 11:30

The Virginia Federation of
Women's Clubs was surrounded
with problems today:. emotional
and social ones of children, legislative ones of the General Assembly and minor legislative
a.m. •
ones of its own.
Dr. Edward Phillips, execu.Rounding out a second convention day at Hotel Roanoke, tive director of the American
nearly 700 delegates were given Child Guidance Foundation,
a look at plans for guidance and tdld the group today the counhelp to troubled children by two try is "going backwards" in
speakers and a resume of the its efforts to cope -with probGeneral Assembly's recent ses· lems of disturbed children.
sion by a newspaperman.
Today, he said. there is personnel available to undertake
And Mrs. J. York "Welborn competent care of less than 10
of Arlington was nominated per cent of those who need it.
without opposition to succeed In another 20 years. he declared
Miss Anne Dobie Peebles of the country "lucky" if able to
Carson as federation president. care for five per cent.
In this atomic age, he deOthers nominated were Mrs. clared it "more important than
Giles C. Ei:igledove._ Richmond. ever that we be concerned about
for first vice president; Mrs. the principles and guidance of
Alvab E .. Riggin~. Poquoson, _for children. The qualities we instill
second vice president; Mrs. 1~0- in them become· the strength and

Mrs. Welborn •••

up for presidency
character of the nation." 1
Dr. Phillips said the Child
<;<uidance Foundation is interested primarily in three groups:
the delinquent child, the emotionally distul-bed' child and "all
the other kids who represent 90
per cent of the children we never

He said that the Foundation, Virginia's General Assemblystate conventions and was
withdrawn after it was found
for the past five years, has been didn't act much like it last
the same area groups were
studying what needs to be done session." Mr. Andrews declar.·
put to work too often to ar·
in this country " and we think ed.
"Many members allowed
we have the answer."
range sucb meetings because \
It is, he said, trying to work open hatred of Governor Al·
a~equate accommodations ar~
by certain ground rules for ac- mond to color their thinking
The delegates also voted to •
tion: a clear objective of what and their actions with result
out Article XII, Section 6 I
it is trying to do, reasonable that the legislative program
"graduation" of junior
expectations of the outcome, de- suffered." \
club members to a senior or
cision on th.e proper tools and
He said effects of the "Free- mother club is required. And
agencies to use.
But it is plagued with ·'trouble dom of Choice" enactment on rules governing nominating corn·
spots," most important of which school integration will be car· rnittees were made to conform
is a lack of trained personnel. ried into next year's guberna· for junior and senior groups ,
"To much training comes from torial campaign and beyond and alike.
State Sen. Harry F. Byrd Jr.
books and lectures," he claimed. declared . a stop-gap program in·
~f Winchester was a speaker -Our- I
"One must see real cases and
situations to know how to deal products and' beer " will not solve mg an afternoon session as was
Mrs. Thomas A. Pawner of
with them."
And he added "it is time the I-lighstown, N.J. who with her
He also cited lack of knowlGeneral
peoedge, division of responsibility,
f~n:tily, splmt two weeks in a
lack of understanding and lack ple give higher learning the c1v11 defense shelter.
of personal confidence as other
The state convention will' end
handicaps in working with chi!- schools . . . If they do not a after election and installation
, dren.
of officers to~orrow . Mrs. J.
.He deplored the Assembly's Lindsay Almm:'l Jr., wife of the
He was followed by Dr. Hiram
l)'l rs. Leo Curtis •••
Davis, Virginia 9ommissioner of
governor of Virginia, will adMentctl Hygiene and Hospitals, frauds so notoriously widespread dress the final session tomorrow
national junior head
who discussed "Mental Retardation vs. Emotional Disturbance," ed for an end to "mjsusc of thc 1 ':~~·
hear anything about."
M. Carl Andrews, editor of absentee voting privilege."
They are overshadowed by
A proposed revision to Arli·
page of The Roathe sordid details of the two
cle 8, Section I of the Federanoke
other groups, he said, adding
tion's by-laws was withdrawn.
that each year nearly , two mil. "Tthhee oldest lawmaking body
It concerned meeting places
lion children get In trouble
western hemisph~refor winter board meetings and
with the pblice and "need help
x . cs:::."


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National Association of Parliamentarians

May 15 and 16, 1960


MONDAY j MAY 16, 1960


National Association of Parliamentarians



7- Presiding o o o o o o o Mr s o J ames Ho Adams

Fresh Fruit Supreme

Invocati on


~[ ._,



J .e..t:ll

:!J - ,d2

o Mrs o Lawrence Hi lgeman , J r

Reli sh
Tomat o Stuffe d wi th Chi cken Salad

Mrs o J ames Ho

Speakers Table o o
Local Gu ests o o

Mrs o Go Wo Bittle

Introducti on of Speak er
Julienne Potatoes


Mrs o Donal d SoFunk

Fresh Str i ng Beans

As sorted Luncheon Rolls
Lemon Meri ngue Tart

;> Addres s


''Mender s of th


Mrs o Herberts Ao Leonardy
Presi dent of Nati onal Association
of Parliament ari ans
Report of Cour tesy Committe e o o o o o o o
Mrs o Gil es Co Engledove

Coff ee
Instal lati on of Offic er s o o o o o o o o o
Mrs a Roy Do Wh:l tlock
Adj our runent

Presi dent
.Mrs . . J..a.mes H . Adams
Fir.st Vice-.President Mrs. Nile .Str.aughan
SecondVice President Mrs . C. Arthur Kastendike
Recording Secretary Mrs. Norman Gimbert
Corr~ spon·ding
Secretary _
.Mrs . Lawrence Hilgeman, Jr.
Mrs . A. G. Wilson ~~1.A,/
Mrs . T. N. Hunnicutt, Jr .
Mrs . Roy D. Whitlock

Virginia , Tidewater (191-9)
Mrs . L. · J ." McElligott$ President
Virginia Periinsula :(1951)
· Mrs , Carl A . Rossman, President
Minna D . .Adams ( 19_5 4)
Mrs . . G~les C. Engledove , President
Fredericksb~rg ( 1955)
· Mrs :
A. Fisher, President
, Roanoke (1957)
Mrs. G. W. Bittle, President
Dera D. Parkinson (1957)
Mrs. A. G . Wilson, President


The P ar liamentary Law C lub of R ichmond, Virg ini a
Mrs . George H . R o ss , Pre si dent



Generar Chairman

Mrs. G.


Contact Chairman

Mrs . Wl.lliam J. Powers

Dining Rbom

Mrs. A. Tracy Loyd
Mrs. Charles Karr
Mrs. Virginia Wright

Registratj qn

Mrs .
: '
}vfrs :

Luncheon tickets ·

Carl Givens
L. T. St. Clair h
William Kavanaug
Sylve st er Haase

Mrs . Charles Steele
Mrs. Robert Rudolph


Mrs. E. G. Brents

Courtesy to Presidents

A w Rice
Mrs. R. Dewey
G. Arthur KaS
~rs .
Mrs. Harry E.

D . E. Bray


... k


M rs . W. illiam J ·


0, God .of all Wisdom. giv.e-..us .knowledge
sufficient no.t only .to guide us in the work
of this organization, _but knowledge also to
know Thy way in all that we do and the
grace to follow it faithfully.
0, God of all Love, grant us love which· will
not only enable us to overcome all pettiness
and jealousy in our dealings with each other ,
but love sufficient to open our hearts that we
may love the peoples of all nations , races,
and creeds .
0, God of all Mercy, grant that the knowledge

as well as the worldly goods with which Thou
has endowed us may be shared in such a way
that will result in a truly unselfish service to
humanity and more particularly in a fervent
devot'i on to Thee.
And wilt Thou, 0, God of Peace; give us
peace within ourselves, our homes, our
Nation, a~d the World.

The Virginia Roanoke Unit of The
Association of Parliamentarians

M i's . L. T . St. Clair
Mrs . Carl Givens


Recognition of Gues.ts


Annual_Rep.ox.ts ..of Officer .s.,_ .B.oar..d, .and Standing

''Good-OJ:"-de r -is-the -f.ou.Jldati-on- of .a11-g.o.o.d--thi.n.g.s~-· ''

Sun~y, May 15, 1960
4.;_Q..Q ..p..._m.,

-. 4;1l.D_p. •..rn.
----6-~ ()_Q_p.. m.
8.: 0.0-.p. m.
8 : 30 .P-- m ..


to 6·00-.p.~m . - Registra."tion
.Trip to .Mill Mountain
Dinner = Main Dining Room
-Executive Committee Meeting = Parlor D
Boa.i;--c;i-.of Directors M~eting - Parlor D


Monday, May 16, 9:30 a . m .
Pine Room
Hotel Roanoke
Roanoke, Virginia
8 : 30 =9 : 30
Registration = Rotunda
9 : 30 a . m. Formal Opening -of the Convention
Mrs . James H . Adams , President Presiding
Invocation, "Roanoke Unit Collect"

Mr~ . Carl Givens
onvention Rules
Appoin tment of Co
~rs, Roy D . Whitlock
:-nmittee to approve Convention
e c ogni tion of Mrs H b
er erta A L e onardy,
N ation
al President

Fixst Vic.e Pr..esident
Second Vice President
Recording Secretary
Corre spending
Auditing Committee
Executive Committee)
Board of Directors )
Bylaws and Revision
Finance and Budget

Mr..s.. Nile Stra 11 ghan
Mrs. C . Arthur Kastendike
Mrs . Norman Gim.b.ert
Mrs. Lawrence Hilgeman, Jr.
Mrs . A . G. Wilson ·.
Mrs. Roy D . Whitlock
Mrs . James H . Adams
Mrs .
Mrs .
Mrs .

Donald S. Funk
S. P. Powell
Herbert W . Rogers
Carl Rossman
Carl Givens
Giles C. Engledove
James H. Adams

Annual Reports of Units and the Club

Pl d
Mrs, C. Arthur Kastendike
e ge of Allegiance Mrs Virginia K . Wright
Address of welcome M ·
rs , G . W . Bittle
R esponse
rs . Carl Rossman
P re sent ation of c
onvention Program
p r e sen ta ti. on of C
Mrs. . WilliamJ. Powers
. ·
onvention Chairmen
artial Report of Credentials Committee
P resentat ion of C

Mrs. . . James H . Adams


Virginia Tidewater Unit
Mrs . L. J. McElligott, President
Virginia Peninsula Unit
Mrs. Carl Rossman, President
Minna D . Adams Unit
Mrs . G . C . Engledove, President
Fredericksburg Unit
Mrs. W. A . Fisher, President
Dera D . Parkinson Unit
Mrs . A . G . Wilson , President
Roanoke Unit Mrs . G . W . Bittle, President
Parliamentary Law Club of Richmond
Mrs . G . H . Ross , P r eside nt

Final re.port...of

LUNCHEON - 12: 30 p. m.


· Mrs. Carl Givens


Mrs. James H . Adams


Mrs. Lawrence Hilgeman, Jr.


New Bus.ine s s
Adoption of .Budget 1960-1961
Mrs. Herbert W. Rogers


Head Table
Mrs . James H. Adams


Local Guests
Mrs. G. W. Bittle

P .resentation..of Tellers
Mrs. John A. Jamison
Mrs . C . T. Benjamin
Mrs . Warren M. Smith

"Menders of the Bre.ach"
President , National Association of Parliamentarians, Mrs. Herberta A. Leonardy

Election of Nominating Committee - 1961

Reading of History Mrs. T. N. Hunnicutt, Jr.

Report of Nominating Committee
Mrs . L . J . McElligott

Introduced by

Mrs. Donald S . Funk

Report of Courtesy Committee
Mrs. Giles C. Engledove

Election of Officers

Installation of Officers
Mrs. Roy D . Whitlock
Adjournment - Sine Die

Executive Committee
Board of Directors

Parlor D
Parlor D


R noke Women :~'·~'fl '~·
-~ l
,4 l .. @
re egistered
I Parliamentarians
-- I




Two additional names have
been add to the list of-eight
registered parliamentarians residing in Virginia. Mrs. William
J . Powers and Mrs. L. T. St.
Clair of Roanoke have received
t~eir certificates from the Na~onal Assn. of Parliamentarians
lD Kansas City, Mo.
Parliamentarians may be registe.i:ed by the NAP upon complet10n of a prescribed course of
s~udy and the passing of a speCJhal examination super\'ised by
t e association.
Both of the new members were
s~udents of Mrs. C. A. Kastendike, registered parliamentarian,
"1ho condu.ets classes regularly
in. .Parliamentary law for the
Division of Extension and General Studies of the University of
Virginia in Roanoke.




I l





I I. 1 1 I I I
I I I I 11 I

.... ,,_


.... ~


·~ ·


I j I 1











- - ......
of THE




I 10






I- loo

Tuesday, ~ay 17, 1960.










Mrs. Valentine President
Of Va. Parliamentaria s


Mrs. J . H. Valentine of Richmond was elected and installed
new president of the Virginia
State Assn. of National Assn. of
Parliamentarians .Monday.
Re-elected officers were Mrs.
Nile St!'aughan, Fredericksburg,
first vice president; Mh. C.
Arthur Kastendike, Roanoke,
second vice president; Mrs.
rorman Gimbert, Norfolk, recording secretary; Mrs. Lawrence Hilgeman Jr. , Richmond,
corresponding secretary, -and
Mrs. A. G. Wilson. Richmond,
treasurer. The offices of historian and parliamentarian will
be appointed by the president
at a later date.
Ducing the morning business
session, held at Hotel Roanoke,
the group heard committee reports and gave recognition to
Mrs. Herberta A. Leonardy,
president of the National Assn .
of Parliamentarians of Miami,
Fla .
"Menders of the Breach' ' \~s
the topic of Mrs. Leonardy's
luncheon addre<;s.


"One place where our wall

ls being severely breached is
in the area of group dynamics,
discussion groups where a vote
is not taken to ascertain the
will of the majority.
Parliamentary Jaw is democracy in action. One ot
our proudest boasts is majority rule with the right of
the minority to speak and be
heard," she said.

"We have become so sheeplike that we hesitate to take
issue on any 11oint. Conformity is our keyword.
If a negative vote is desired
- then all speak against the
proposition and never a voice
is raised on the .other side however worthy it may be."
It was announced that the
Roanoke Unit is the first in the
state to have a yearbook. It
was aJso announced that Mrs.
Valentine has been added to
the list of registered parliamentarians residing in Virginia.
Approximately 45 members
attended the third annual convention of the group. Total
membership is listed at l.78.

(T imes Photo)

Mrs. Leonardy Gives Gavel to ~rs. Valentine


Dean S. R. Crockett of University of Virginia Ex ten s i ~n Gives Certificates . . :
... To Mrs. W. J~owe rs , Mrs. L. T. St. Clair as Mrs. C. A. Kastend1ke Looks On_

BIJIXtE:r . -


State arid Federation Dues (70~)

Distri ct Dues

{ 10~


pEr member)

ue e oeoeo

State Special Education Saholarship



o ......... .,


D legates to Federation Meetings

Otfice Supplies

10 00

local Project (Preston Park Center)

'Cl . . . . . . . . . . .

& •••

0 W e • • O e 0 a G 0

e • • • " • • • • e ., o • o o •

Marge Huggins
Dorotey McFarland

Virginia. MaaonJI Chairman


so . oo
2,5 .. 00

A11Y.i f -


Club Women
Have Electi·on
, Of Officers (
l\lrs. J. T. Taylor has been
installed as president or the .
Williamson :fl,oad Woman's Club.
Mrs. C. I. · Sigm011. l\frs.
Everette-- F. Jones and Mrs. Roy
McFarland are vice presidents;
Mrs. C. M. Painter. secretary;
Mrs. J. Clay Hurd. correspondin.!! secretary: Mrs. Samuel Jarrett. treasurer ; Mrs. D. L. Buckingham. parliamentarian: Mrs.·
Jonas G. Eller. historian and
Mrs. N. B. Jonas. chaplain.
An honorary membership
has been given Mrs. George
Hu!!gins for out.standing work
in the club.

Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Siemon.
Mrs. Buckin,gham qnd Mrs.
Jones will be delegates to the
VFWC conference here May 2·4.
l\frs. Odessa Bailey spoke on
'The Challenge Today."

Club's QhJective Viewed


At VFWC Distric l\jeeting
At a meeting of the Blue Ridge
The in errational affairs de-!
District, Virginia Federation ot partment v i 11 emphasize the
Women's Clubs yesterday at the CARE self· \elp program for Mex· ,..
Vinton War Memorial Federa- ico.
tion, objectivs were announced • The j~or project will be th ..
and studied.
rehabilitation of the handicapped,
These included safety in the with Camp Easter Seal and guide
home, a study of local probation dogs for the blind receiving spe·.
and detention faciliti s, recre- cial attention. Mrs. John W. •
ational and youth club attivities Hqdges, of thJ Brambleton Junand problems of the aged.
iof Club has been appointed vet·
eran's affairs chairman.
Mrs. L. Ray Welc~ chair·
Mrs. William S. Murray, past
man of the home lile depart· president 0€ the Virginia Fed·
ment, reported the Fe~eration eration, spoke at the luncheon.
is stressing developing the She gave highlights of the gen·
proper sense of vall.les and eral federation convention held
codes of behavior amupg chi.I·
recently in Wa~hington, D.C.
dren by examples or parents
Special r gnition was given
and providing opportunities for the newly formed Botetourt
family activities.
County Woman's club, Mrs. J.
M. Meloy. president.


Blue _Ridge
District~ VFWC,
Meeting Set

Virginia Federation of

Women's Clubs

W EDN ESDA Y , OCTO BER 19, 1960

Mrs. J. York Welborn, President
Arli ngton, Va.
Mrs Giles C. EngJ.edove, F irst Vice-President ...... . . Richmond, Virg inia
Mrs. Alvah E. Ri ggins, Second Vice-President ........ Poquoson. Virginia
Mrs. Nolan S. Cutler. Jr., Third Vice-P resident .. .... Newport News, Va.
Mrs. Samuel E. Pope, Secreta ry
D rewryville, Va.
Mrs. J. D ean Creger, Treasm er
St Paul, Va .
Mrs. Edgar T hurm an, President
Mrs. Herman Horn, F irst Vice-Preside nt .... . ....... .
Mrs. Cecil W . Doss, Second Vice-President
Glade Hill,
Mrs. J. F. Boone, Secretary
. .. ........ .
Mrs. Erby Boar d, Treasurer
Mrs. James H . Barnes, Par liam e ntarian


Joseph S. Shorter, Junior Director
Roger A. Hedgbeth, Asst. J unior D irector
Bruce Stevens, Secretary-Treasurer
V./. Ches ter Brown, Jr. , Parlia mentari an

Rad ford,
Rocky Mount.



Ch ristiansb urg Woman's Club
Miss Juanita Robetson
Christi ansburg ·woman's Club
Mrs. J. D . Carter
Mrs. Edgar S. Martin ..
Chris tia nsburg Woman's Club
Mrs. Bruce E. Stevens
Ch r is ti an s b ~lf g J unor W oma n's Club


ct": /q _ 19!o6.

The Blue Ridge District of the '
Virginia Feder ation of Women's
Clu bs will hold the fall district
m e e t i n g at Christiansburg
Chu rch of the Brethren Wednesday.
Mrs . E dga r . Thurman, president , will preside at the meeting and the Christiansburg Senior and Jun ior clubs will be
State officers who will add ress
the meeting are Mrs. J. York
Welborn, president; Mrs. Alvah
E. Riggins, second vice president; Mrs. Nolan S. Cutler J r.,
third vice president and junior
Mrs. Edgar Martin of Christiansbu rg is senior arrangements chairm an.
M i s s Juanita Robertson, ·
president of' the Woman's Club,
has na med Mr s. Howard Bane
and Mrs. Ches Titlow to handle registration ; Mrs. Beulah
Thompson and Mrs. W. F.
J ennings in charge of luncheon
P ages who will serve during
th e day a rc Mrs. R<ay Lester,
cha irman, Mr s. Lee Payne,
Mrs. French Shu-gill and Mrs.
C. G. Smith. Mrs. S. Q. Recd
is chairma n of the luncheon
·committee and Mrs. Fred
Bloun t is chairma11 of the welcom ing committ\!e. Mrs. E . D.
P ierce will serve as the president's page.

Coffee hour hostesses are Mrs.
R. L. Ki nnaird, Mrs. Gus Cametas, Mrs. Frank Cecil, .Mrs.
B. D. P off, Mrs. Ira Austin , Mrs.
P erry Stubbs and Mrs ~ Hogue
Mrs. Thurman will ente rtain
th e dist r ict- officers at dinner at
her hom e in Salem this ev9ning.
The Christiansburg Garden Club 1
will provide the flower arrangements for the m eeting.

Women's Club
,Picks Delegates
The Williamson Road Women's
Club elected delegates Thursday
ni ght to the district meeting of
the Virginia Federation of Worn·
en's Clubs.
To attend the meeting, on Oct.
19 in Christiansburg, are Mrs.
C. I. Sigmon and Mrs. Everette
F. Jones.
Mrs. D. L. Buckingham and
Mrs. Roy McFarland were se. lected as alternates.
Main speakers for the meeting
were councilman Benton 0. Dillard and Roanoke attorney M.
Caldwell Butler.

LUNCHEON - 12:30 P. M.

PROGRAM - 10:00 A. M.

Mrs. Edgar Thurman, President (Presiding)


J. D . Carter

President, Christiansburg Ju nior vVoman's Club

Call to Order

Presentation of Guests, Officers and District Chairm en

Devotional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rev. Edgar S. Martin

Pastor, Christiansburg Church of th e Brethren


Pledge of Allegiance ..

Led by Mrs. Howard Bane

Christiansb urg Woman's Club

Federation Song

Led by Miss Kathleen Luster
Accompanist, Mrs. Edgar S. Martin


Led by Mrs. C. G. Smith
Christiansburg '"' oman's Club /



Pr~;id~~t, Cl~ristia~~b~lfg ~"~ma'5 Ji~~nita

Credentials Report . . . . . . . .

Ro ertson

Mrs. Albert MacMakin




F . Boone


Report of Treasurer

Mrs. Erby Board

"Club Women and the Challenge of
the Sixties"



York Welborn

President, Virginia F ederation of \"1omen's Clt~bs - - -

"Increase and Insure" . . ..... .

Mrs. Alvah E. Riggins

Second Vice-President, Virgin1·a F ede ra t'10n o f W omen ' s Cl u b s

"Accepting the Challenge"

Mrs. Nolan S. Cutler, Jr.
v. F. w. c.

Thrd Vice-President, Director of Juniors,

Representative - First National Exchange Bank
Adoption of Budget
Report of Time and Place
Arrangemen ts Chairmen
Recess for Lunch

Conservation Department and Gard ens Division .... . . Mrs. vV. '""' · Graves
Education Department
Mrs. M. H. Stiff, Jr.
Mary Macon McGuire Scholarship and Loan
Mrs. Fred McCoy
Fine Arts D epartm ent
Mrs. Buford Blair
Poetry, Literature and Drama Division
Mrs. Roy L. vVebber ,
Mrs. L. Ray Welch o · (
-Iome Life D e.pa r ~ n l)
Family Finance Division
Mrs. H. ~1 . OJ;en
Interna tional Affairs Department
Mrs. James P. Sisson
Dorothea Buck Latin-American F ellowship
Miss Jane Craig
Public Affairs D epartment
Mrs. H . F. Trent
Health Division
Mrs. C. Fred Blount
L egislative Division ..... . . .
Mrs. Ike Anderson
Mental H ealth Division
Miss Mignonne Griggs
Safety Division
Mrs. Kathleen Mills
Mrs. S. Allen Whitley
Veterans Affairs
Welfar e Division
Mrs . Harold Ross
Mrs. Harry E. Dixon
Budget and Finance
Mrs. F . Gilland Goodwill
Club Institute
Mrs. Curtis J. Kelly
Mrs. W. H . Anderson
Community Service Project
Mrs . Albert MacMakin
Mrs. Harold T. Sibley
Histori an and Press Book

V. F. W. C. Project Chairman
G. F. W. C. Project Chairman
Vetera ns Affairs

Mrs. James D avis
Mrs. C. R. Croy
Mrs . John \V. Hodges, Jr.

......_ ~~ , .,, ~







Gallery Y11le Slides
Shown at Cl11b Meeting
lVIembers of Williamson Road
Woman's Club saw colored slides
on "The Christmas Story in
Paintings" from tbe ' National
Gallery in Washington Thursday
Mrs. Hazel K. Barger was narrator. The fine a rts department
of the club, Mrs. George W. :Qe·
Mott chairtlian, was hostess.
The meeting was at Preston Park
Recreation Center.
At the poltluck supper after
the business session, the Rev.
C. C. McCoy, pastor of Bethany

Christian Church, gave the invocation. Husbands and friends of
members were guests.

Mrs. J. C. Bradley, program
chairman, presented Mrs. Lois
Zook and Mrs. Jonas Eller
who led the group in singing
Christntas .carols. Mrs. James
T. Taylor, president, presided
at the meeting.
Three pew members were recognized: Mrs. B. T. Umberger,
Mrs. G. C. Dudley and Mrs. Carl
Guests for the supper, at which
50 persons were present, included the Rev. and Mrs. McCoy
and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ikenberry. Mrs. Ikenberry ls presi-.
dent of the Valley Jr. Woman's


Club Hears Safety
Talk at Supper Meet
Ben Powell, Roanoke rnsur·
ance man, talked to the William·
son Road Woman's Club last
night at a family supper at tht:
Preston fork recreation center.
His subjecL was "Safe Driving
Education for Youth".
More thc.n 50 persons were
present and two new membei:s,
Mrs. Robert J. Williams ani.I
Mrs. Richard Via, were we~­
The club decided to extend
invitations to presidents of all
fedrrated clubs to attend meet·
ings . There will be no meet·
ings held in July · and August.
Mrs. E. F. Jones reported on
the parliamentarians meetirg
held at Hotel Roanoke this week.
Ho1;tesses for the supper werP.
Mrs. M. E. Gardiner and Mrs.
W. T. Wingfield.

First Aid Course
PJanued for Women
·Wil lia mso n Road Woman's Club
and the Roanoke Civil Defense
Office will sponsor a fi rst aid
class for women on Mo n d a y
ni ghts at Preston Park Community Center.
Reg istration will be held at the
1next class at 7:30 p.m. Monday.
The Red Cross Standard First Aid
\ Certificale will be given to those
wh0 successfnfiy com p!ete the



A pl'ogram on Swedish weaving was seen yesterday at the
meeting of the fine arts department of the Williamson Road
Woman's Club meeting at the
S&W Cafeteria.
Speaker was Mrs. l\Iabel Mercer of San Diego, Calif., a guest
of Mrs. J. C. Bradley, who
showed some of her own handi'
Mrs. Hazel K. Barger, a member of ·the Republican National
Committee for the White House
Conference on Aging, gave a re·
port of the recent conference in
The group will meet .next
month with Mrs. Jonas Elle1·
Mrs. George DeMott, 'chairman·
, '


Embassy Speakers Describe C.Utll~~ of Mexico . .
• .,.,.,.,~:,:;;·.,,~:::i:.c~!

W< ·:ttfi~W".li:'l$)t: ·\t:::::·:·
·:": .. " ,.. " · . ·: ;:

·' ·'

Virginia clubwomen, tourmg
Mexico, were briefed.recentl:t _on
the counbry's educat10n._ poilt1.cs
and economy in a meetmg with
ranking officials at the U.S.
Mrs. H. Stanley Bailey of Roanoke, a ' member of the tour
planned for members of t~e
Virginia Federation of Women s
Clubs, writes of the group's
luncheon with Dr. Edward G.
Cate, Charge d'affaires ; Dr. J:?ulaney Terrett, cultural affall's
attache· Dr. Paul V. Murray,
president of Mexico City College;
Dr. Raymond G: Leddy, counselor of political affairs and Dr. H.
Gerald Smith, counselor of economic affairs.
Dr. Murray said ·"great impetus" is being given to public
education, Mrs. Bailey writes,
with the goveFnmeJlt contributing twenty per cent of its
budget to schools. It exercises
strict control through inspection and. required use of government textbooks, he is reported to have said.

TO URIN G GROUP-Virginia clubu:omen on tour of
.Mexico visited the U.~. Embassy in Mexico City recently. From the left are lllrs. Stanley Bailey, Roanoke; Edward G. Cale, Charge d' Affaires, American

He added that the Mexican
student, when properly fed, is
intelligent. interested and enthusiastic scholastically.
Dr. Letty explai,ned the "stro.ng
nature" of the government with
• one party in control, "thus p~·o­
v iding a coutinuity of operation
and stability."
Strength, he is quoted as ~ay­
ing, is derived from orgaruzed
labor agricultural workers and r
govei:nment employees. Mexico's
Embassy; Mrs. Nolan S. C1.flter Jr. , Newport News;
attitude, he said, is to maintain
Mrs. F. G. Goodwill, Roanoke; Mrs . J. York Welborn,
peace with all countries and its
relations with the United States
Arlington, Vitginia · Federation of Women's Clubs
a re good although it has refused
president, and Miss Ruth Kohen, R_o_a_1_w_k_·e_.______ to engage in a mutual defense
program with this country.

o s rs• r en
exico,Ac p co
RICHMOND - The Virginia emphasis will be given to the
Fedefjtion of Women's Clubs is Latin-American Fellowship pro·
i;ponsoring a Friendship Tour gram oE the federation.

tion of Women's Clubs at the
Grand Hotel at Point Clear,
Mobile Bay, Ala., Jan. 17-19.
Mrs. J. York Welborn of Arlington is president of the Vir:
ginia Fec!eration. l\1rs. Nolan
S. Cutler Jr. of Newport N~ws ~
is director of juniors and third
vice president.
Also, J\!Irs. Edgar Thurman of
Salem, president, and Mrs. Joseph Shorter of Radford, director of juniors of :he Blue Ridge _
Travel arrangements for the
tour are being made by Mrs. H.
Stanley Bailey, Roanoke.

to Mexico as part of the InterAfter six days of activity in
national AUairs program of the and around Mexico City, the
General Federation of Women's group . will motor to CuernaClubs. Virginia club women in vaca for a short stay, then on
their study this year of •·our to Taxco for overnight and a
Neighbors to the South" are fo- day of shoping and sight-seecusing their attention on Mexico, 1'ng before traveling on to
its history, its cultute, and the Acapulro for two days of
life of its people today.
relaxation at the beach before
In addition to visiting the
returning home Jan. 17. Opusual places of interest to tour- tional stop-overs may be made
ists in Mexica-, the group will
at New Orleans or for the
have an opportunity to partici- meeting of the Southeastern
pate in several activities planned
Council of the General Federato add special emphasis to the -------------.:___:;:;;:;;;;;;,,,;::.;;;;..:.::!C.!.....=,;;~~~===
federation's program in Intern ational Affairs .
Among those are a briefing
by the United States Embassy
in Mexico City, a visit to a
village developed by CARE by
contributions from club women, entertainment in a native
Mexican home and a l'eception
given by Virginia women ior
club women and other friends
1n Mexico.
Through contact with the _·ational Unill'l:?rsity of Mexicl} and
the Mexico City College added

Dr. Smith, Mrs. Bailey
writes, declared Mexico's economy stable with a strong currency; . that officials of the
Bank of Mexico are good financial technicials granted a
free hand in monetary affairs
by the ~overnment .
The country's budget is within
five per cent of being balanced,
he said, and added "Mexico is
in a hurry to achieve and if
private enterprise doesn't act,
the government will move in."
It already owns th.e railroads
and telegraph and js purchasing
U.S.-owned electric power.
Dr. Terrett said Mexican art
reflects the country's history;
its folk art reflects the country's
beauty. The government supervises museums and restorations.
The clubwomen began their
tour Jan. 6. It is to end Jan . 17
after visits to Cuernavaca, Taxco and Acapulco.




yv,R, yY '.s





-Vinton Clu
Hears TaJl\:
By Mrs. Mow
"Basic Religions of the Wodd"
was the subject of a talk lasl
niaht by Dr. Anna ~Iow at a
m~eting of the Williamson Road
Woman's Club at Preston Park
Recreatio,n Center.
Mi's. Mow is 'I retit'ed mis·
sionary of the Church of t he •
Brethren, now living in Roanoke. She served in India from
1923 to 1940.

Mrs. Goodwill
Talks on Mexico
Speaker yesterday at the meeting of the Fine Arts department
of the Williamson Road Woman's
Club was Mrs. F. G. Goodwill.
She reporte~ on the friendship
tom· of MeXJco by the Virginia
Federation of Woman 's Clups.
Mrs. Goodwill reviewed tile
history of Mexico and showed
s ouvenfrs, native costumes,
pictures and jewelry from that

Her talk follo wed a covered l
dish lunch of Mexican food s i'
b1<ought by the 13 members present. .She was presented by Mrs.
.H-ff.119 Bradley, program chair-


Other guests at the meeting,
which was at the home of Mrs.
Jonas Eller, were Mrs. E. F. i
Jones and Mrs. Ruth At1stin, Mrs. /
J. R Root was welcomed as a
new member of the department. /
Mrs. George W. DeMott. chair- 1
man , presided at the meeting. '
The general meeting of the '
Williamson Road Woman's Club
will be Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at
Preston Park Community Center.I
The boru·d will meet at 6:30.

"History shows," she said,
"that people have always b~en
religious. Thratrgh the centunes.
they alwaysj have worshipped
She commented that thert! <ire
more teen-age marriages in th!s
country now than there are m
India. She was introduced by
Mrs. Richard Via .
Gor don T. Brown o) th e Red
Cross told of the class in ti!e
s aving that will he conducted
this month at Preston P ark
Recreation Center , sponsored
b.v the club.

A nominating committee wJs
aooointed to bring in a slate of
officers. On the committee are
Mrs. W. M. Parker, Mrs. George
w. DeMott and Mrs. Gordon T.
Mrs. J. H. Rott was welcom~d
as a new member and three> visitors were recognized. They were Mrs. Delena Abbott. _M,rs. .
F.thel Black and Mrs. V1v1an 'i
h ,
A social hour follpwed t e
meeLinl?. with members of the
home life department i;if the club
as hostesses.

Valentine P~u-ty
Scheflul ed Tonight
The Woman's Club of Vinton
and their husbands will have a
Valentine party tonight at the
Vinton War Memor ial .
The party will begin at 8 p.m.




Presented by







16, 1961

IO :30 a. m .. ..... . .. .... . .. .... . . . . . . . . .. .... . Ballroom

District Assistant Junior Director
Senior Vice President
F irst National Exchange Bank


Trust Officer
First National Exchange Bank

Chas. J..,unsford Sons & Izard

[Question and Answer Period]


1~ :30 p .

m .... . . . ... . . . .. . . .... . . . . ... .. . . . ... Ballroom



District President





l\fns. HE n111AN U oRN

District V ice Pre8ident



E. IL Ouw
Pres ident


F irst Nat ional Exchange Bank


iour Power as a Customer .. . and How to Use It"




Con t ributiny Ed itor to
Good llousel.-eeping J1fa*gazinc
" 'csLfield, New .Jersey





- ---- ---------------------------------------------


q ~,



Gordon T . B rou:n, one of three instr..uctors f 017a First Aid class sponsored
by the home life department of the
W illiamson Road Wo man's Club demonstrates p.rocedures on student "patient," M rs. Louise Root. Paying close


attention are, left to right, 1Wrs . H. S.
Jackson, 1Wrs. Nancy M1arrin a11d .Mrs.
C. I. Sigmon.
Ticenty-two certificates were aicardr
ed to members of the class which completed the ten-hour course this week.

Twenty-Two Pass First Aid
Course Sponsored hy _Club
Twenty-two certificates were
a warded this week in a ten-hour
Red Cross standard course in
first aid sponsored l;>y the home
life department of the William·
son Road Woman's Club.
Women who won certificates,
good for three years, successfully
passed a written e~amination
and the floor demonstration



e r e Gordon

/ q l, f

Brown and Sidney Robertson of
the Williamson Road Life Saving Crew and Mrs. Kathleen
Mills of the Office of Civil

Vis t y

Receiving certificates were:
Mrs. Mildred Bennett, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown. Mrs. R. D.
Creasy, Miss Connie Crosswhite,
Miss,. Blanche Hamden, Mrs. J .
Clay Hurd, Mrs. H. S. Jackson,
Mrs. S. H. Jarrett, Mrs. Everette
Jones, Mrs. Jean Leftwich and
Mrs. Nancy Marrin.
Also, Mrs. Ruth Moxley, Mrs. I·
Nancy Murdock. Mrs. Margaret
Muntzing, Mrs. Ella Osborne,
Mrs. Catherine Parker. Miss
Helen Paterson, Mrs. Beve:J·ly'
Rakes, Mrs. Louise Root, Mrs.
C. I. Sigmon. Mrs. Stella Sink,
and Mrs. Lillian Webb.



~ officers were elected last
night at a 1meetmg of 'tne Williamson Road Woman's Club at
Preston Park Communify Center.
The club will sponsor the
bloodmobile March 23 at Preston Park C0mmunity Center for
- donors in the Williamson Road
l'fil§. C. I. Sigmon is president..
Other otflcers are Mrs. E. F.
Jones, first vice president, Mrs.
R. N. McFarland, second vice
president, Mrs. M. S. Willhide,
recording secretary, Mrs. J. C.
Hurd, corresponding secre.tary,
Mrs. Samuel Jarrett, treasurer,



ne ,

Mrs. J. T: Taylor , parliamentarian, Mrs. W. M. Parker, chaplain , a nd Mrs. W. F . Peters, historian.

Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. McFarland were elected delegates
to the Blue Ridge district
meeting in New Castle March
25. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Peters
are alternates.


D. H. Robinson, chief park
naturalist for the Blue Ridge
Parkway, showed colored slides ,
of scenes along the parkway. He
was introduced by Mrs. Virginia
Mason, conservatio2 chairman.


. s::s:us.g;>s:s:s:s ,':uu:::s:s;:~

Club lans
Prog1·am on

Womens Activities ~


Roanoke World-News, Friday, April 21, 1961

Brambleto11 Club Sets.
Tea for New Me1nbers
New members of the. Brambletoi1 Junior Woman' s Club will be
honored at a tea tomorrow after noon at Hidden Valley Country Club.
Those being honored will include MPs. Harry N. Lockett,
Mrs. J . C. Bohler, Mrs. Everett
Kohne. Mrs. Edward H. Nicholson, Mrs. Lynwood Overman,
Mrs. Sam Oakey and Mrs. William Arnold.
Also, Mrs. Frank C. Vass, Mrs.
John F . Keller, Mrs. John Latta,
Mrs. Ray Lucas, lVI.rs. Richard
Bonin, l\lrs. Dale Jackson, Mrs.
Gene Krumnocher, Mrs. George
Herich, Mrs. H. Hunter Garbee,
l\frs. William C. Feldbaumer,
Mrs. James Trippeer and Mrs.
William McGill III.
E <1ch new member will be
presented a red r ose corsage
and white carnation corsages
will be given others in the receiving line including Mrs.
Harry Bushltar, president;
Mrs. Richard C. Bill, vice
president. Mrs. Lloyd G.
Bair and Mrs. Harold T. Sib·
ley will serve.
Other special guests will include Mrs. Jolm Edmunds, Roanoke County Woman's Club;
Mrs. Henry S. Bailey, past president of the Virginia Feder ation

of Woman's dubs; Miss Frances Headen, Salem Junior Woman ·s Club, and Mrs. Herman
Horn. vice president of the Blue
Ridge District.
Also, Mrs. W. S. Murray, past
president of tbe Virginia federation; Mrs. Edgar Thurman,
president of the Blue Ridge Dis·
trict; Mrs. Roger Hedgbeth, as·
sociate director of the Blue
R idge District; Miss Frances
Reed and Mrs. R. L. Burress,
Rokeva Woman's Club.
Among the special guests
also will be: Mrs. James E.
Murrie, Bent l\lotmtain Worn·
an's Club; Mrs. M. H. Dooley,
Salem Woman's Club ; Mrs.
Theo Long, Vinton Woman's
Club; Mrs. J. T. Taylor, Wil·
liamson Road Woman's Club;
Mrs. Jz.mes W. Long, Woman's Club of Roanoke.
Also, Mrs. Joseph S. Shorter,
junior director of the Blue Ridge
District; Mrs. Arthur LaVoie,
Roanoke County Junior Woman's
Club; lVIrs. Lowell A. Tinsley,
Roanoke Junior Woman's Club;
Mrs. Jack E. Andrews, Valley
Junior Woman's Club.
Serving on the membership
committee are Mrs. J. Glen
Fleenor, Mrs. Warner Dalhouse,
Mrs. S. Ross Lemon and Mrs.
Creedon C. Bowers.

The Williamson Road Worn·
an 's Club will have a Thanks·
giving program Thursday at 8
p.m . in the Williamson ~oad
branch of the First National
Exchange Bank.
Each member is to participate
in a candle light ceremony on
"We Count Our Blessings" and
make a contribution to CARE.



(Times Photo )

Mrs. Bruc.e· lken·berry; at Whose Home the Valley.Junior Tea :.• •'. :
, • , Is Scheduled 1 'Converses With Mrs. Denny Early, Mrs. J. ro. Sisson

Valley Jr.'s.to Hold Tea
A tea honoring new members of the Valley
Jwtlor Woman's Club will be held this after110011 at 3:30 at the home of Mrs. Bruce
Ikenberry, 1615 Dodson Rd ., West View Terrace.

lt will be preceded by an orientation class
· for new members at 2 p.m ., conducted by
Mrs . Robert C. Price. chairman, Mrs. fl andolph TL Cole, Mrs. Harold Garst and Mrs.
Mrs. J. D. Sisson Is chairma n of the tea
whlclt has as its theme . "Holiday Ele·
gance," and wm feature autumn tones in
the color ensemble. Assistin~ Mrs. Sisson
will b~ :Mrs. Denny Early and Mn. Thur·
man Turner.


Members being ,honored are Mrs. Willikm
l-{. s;ummings, :M.r s. Lee G. Ferris, .Mrs.
Ral ~ Holland, ·Miss Nancy Carole Gibson,
:Mrs. Elton T. Jones Jr., Mrs. Victor R .
:Metz Jr., Mrs, Bill Root. Mrs. Grayson
Thompson, Mrs . Robert F. Whiting and Mrs.
James ·R. Wingo.

Special guests inl:lude Mrs. H. Stanley
Ba)ley, Mrs .. Hany .Bushkar, Mrs. D. L.
Buckingham, Mrs. Thurman Ch9mbcrs, Mr.
and Mrs. Wanen Gilbert, Mrs. Rodger Hedgehelh, Mrs .•lames W. Long, Mrs. · William S.
Murray, Mrs. Joseph S. Shorter, Mrs. J . T.
Taylor, Mrs. Edgar Thurman, Mrs. Lowell A.
Tmsley a'nd Mrs. Sydney Van Lear ..


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April 24, 1960

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William Fleming Band

Band Concert ••••
Mr. Otis Kitchen, Director

Invocation. • •
• ••••••• •••••• •••••• Rev. James W. Brown
Pastor, Huntington Court Methodist Church
Welcome •••••••••••.••••••••••••.••• Mrs. Ralph K. Bowles
Chairman, Dedication Ceremonies
Recognition of Special Guests •••••••••••••• Mrs. Robert C. Price
President of Senior Council

"Bless This House" •••••••••••••••• Mr. Herndon Myers, Soloist
Mrs. William J. Matze, Accompanist
The Honorable Vincent S. Wheeler
Mayor, City of Roanoke, Virginia
Benediction ••

•••••••••••••••• Rev. John A. St. Clair
Pastor, Airlee Court Baptist Church

The public is cordially invited to tour the building
and refreshments will be served.

The Preston Park Community Center Senior Council
wishes to thank the following contributors:

Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Seven-Up Bottling Company
Dr. Pepper Bottling Company
Garst Bros. Dairy, Inc.
Jennings Es so Service Station
Hitching Post Motel
Virginia Foundry
Williamson Road Chapter No. 119, O. E. S.
Crowell 's Nursery
Mr. Dexter Mills
Oakland School P. T. A.
Huff Lane P. T. A.
William Fleming P. T. A.
Diamond Chevrolet
Airlee Dry Cleaners
Plaza Motel
Red Bird Garage
Crouch's Pharmacy
A & P Store
Star City Realty Company
J • H. Fralin & Son
Lotz Funeral Home, Inc.
Roy L. Webber Florist
Clover Creamery Co., Inc.
Williamson Road Lions Club
Williamson Road Kiwanis Club
W~ll~amson Road Rotary Club
Williamson Road Recreation Club
Rosewood Garden Club
Roundhill Garden Club
Hillcrest Garden Club
Oakland Garden Club
Little Acom Garden Club
Oakland Home Demonstration Club
Eureka Home Demonstration Club
Little Tree Nursery
Hedge Lawn Nursery
Admiral Carlton H. Wright
Bo wles Bake Shop
Caldwell-Sites Company
Michael's Bakery
Bethany Christian Church
Colonial Stores, Inc.
Kroger Stores, Inc.
Mick-or-Mack Stores Co., Inc.

Contributors Cont' cl

Williamson Road Woman's Club
Valley Junior Woman's Club
Roanoke Chamber of Commerce
Mason Litteral, Inc.
Arnold Transfer Company
Mr. Rhudy Weddle
Dr. J. E. Anderson
Dr. John G. McCown
Dr. Olin R. Melchionna
Dr. Herman W. Brubaker
Dr. Max E. Bertholf
Dr. Samuel F. Driver
Dr. Frank M. Johnson
Dr. Chris G. Scordas
Dr. Da niel R. Miller
Dr. E. D. Adams
Dr. Allen R. Hetz
R. M. Saunders Dental Laboratory
For Publicity:
"The Roanoke Times, 11
"The Roanoke World-News"
Radio Stations WDBJ, WSLS, WBLU,

Prest n P ark Community Center Leader · • • • · • • Mrs. Blanche Williams
The Senior Council purchased the following:

Furniture: Grand Piano Company, Inc.
Sears, Roebuck & Company
efrigerator: Mason Litteral Inc.
Stove·· APpa I ac h tan
China a d S'l
I ver: Peoples Drug Store
doral A
rrangements: Roy L. Webber
Architect: Eubank Caldwell & Associates, Bob Sheretz
Contract .
or. J • M. Underwood Construction Company


Officers of Senior C,o unci/
of Preston Park Community Center

President • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mrs. Robert C. Price
Secretary •• ., . • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mrs. c. M. Painter
Treasurer ., •••••••••••• ••••••••••• ." ••••• H. P. Baile.y , Jr.
Ways & Means •••••••••••••••• ; • C. s. Martin, Lee Thompson,
Mrs. Ray Hughes, Donald Dobbs
Furnishings •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mrs. G. W. Quinn
Member of Williamson Road Woman's Club
Corner Stone and Dedication •••••••••••••• Mrs. Ralph K. Bowles
Publicity ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ronald MacDonald

• • · -· • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••• Mrs. Harry Hetz
.. ... .

. . .·

Participating Organizations

Hillcrest Garden Club
Little Acorn Garden Club
Oakland Garden Club
Roundhill Garden Club
Dorchester Garden dub
Williamson Road Rotary dub
Williamson Road Lions Club
Williamson Road Kiwanis Club
Williamson Road Woman's Club
Brambleton Junior Woman's Club
Huff Lane P. T. A.
Preston P a rk P . T. A.
Oakland P. T. A.
Cha mber o f Commerce, Recreation Di vision
WDBJ-TV and Radio
WSLS-TV a nd Radio
Hun t ington Court Me thodist Church
Va lley Junior Woman' s dub
Williamson Road Recreation Club
Virginia Society for Crippled Children & Adults

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Williamson Rd. Club

H9nored hy

The WH!iaroson ~ad Woman's
Club has dedicat
its 1961-62
yearbOok to Mrs. James T. Taylor, a past preSident.
They were distributed at a
meeting yesterday in the Preston j
Park Recreation Center. Mrs.
Judson H. Durhaiv was introduced as a new member.
]11iss_ Royce Hall. William
Ffeming studen~rted on her
stay at Girls State this Sliiiiiner.
~fiewas sponsored by the cluQ.
Mrs. Elizabeth Pettrey gave

a humorous satire by Stephen
Leaco*ck and Paul Lancaster
spoke in support of the United
Fund campaign.
Mrs. N. B. Jonas and Mrs.
W. M. Parker reported on a Blue
Ridge District meeting this week
in Roanoke.
The club will have a rummage
sale Oct. 16 and 17 at the Garland building on 11th Street.

"1959-61WRWCScrapbook.pdf"  · Virginia Room Digital Collection (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

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Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.